Twenty Three - Not Enough

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You wrap your arms around me and I melt like candy on a hot day. Your touch...its not enough.

You bring me to all the places that I've never been, you're the most beautiful person I've ever seen, but you're not enough.

You cater to my every need, but that's not enough.

I need the bliss that comes with love, not the bliss that comes with attention. You say you love me, but saying it is simply not enough.  

You say you need me, but you don't act like you do, you act like I need you and I'm not sure I even do.

I thought I loved you, but I believed the lie I told myself because I had no reason not to.

These days, everyone's selfish and time is of the essence. We both put on our game face, and laugh and smile, thinking the other has no idea.

We both hide behind masks made from deception and ignorance, along with pride and ego.

How wrong.

We thought we could make this work, but clearly we're not enough for one another.

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