🖤Chpt 15🖤

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After preparing a shower for Meinu and clothes I slowly walked downstairs. I was worried to be honest... I didn't ask her but I wanted to know so badly. She was wearing a dress and leather jacket which means she was most likely with the gang... so why was she alone? They wouldn't leave her. And why was she hurt and looked so scared. I wanted to- no... I needed to find out. As I made it the room where I had left her I walked in and Meinu was shaking on. E spot.

"You WENCH!" I saw my mothers hand raised and I ran in front of Meinu and took the slap. My mum looked at me and I glared back.

"Mum... why would you do that!?" She rolled her eyes.

"Dylan. This is between me and her! Just leave!"

"NO! She's my girlfriend and you need to treat her with respect. If she did anything wrong please tell me instead of hitting her." My mum groaned.

"Take her out of my sight." I growled before pulling her away with me to the room. She sat on the bed tears falling off her chin. I wiped them and held her hand that were tightly holding each other.

"Meinu... what happened?" She looked up at me finally making eye contact then sighed yet smiling.

"Your family... they hate me."

"No they don't. They just need time to-"

"Dylan! Be realistic! They said they'd kill me if I didn't take there money and leave the country and-"

"What!" I was furious. I was extremely angry and to hear someone threaten my girlfriend! I stood up but then sighed and came to a realisation.

"Meinu... I'm sorry. My family are just protective. They will warm up to you."

"Will they?" I smiled at her and nodded.

"Of course... your the most beautiful and smartest girl I know. No one could resist you." She let out a small laugh then smiled.

"Go have a shower now. You'll sleep in this room today and I'll be next door. If you need anything call me." She nodded and I kissed her on the lips before leaving. Once he left I smiled and got ready for bed. As I tossed and turned I couldn't help but let myself think the worst of what happened to her. About what my parents would do if I dated her. I quickly shook those thought away and tried to sleep but my body wouldn't let me. I grabbed my phone and jumped on social media then immediately got a message.


Shancai - You still up?

I stared at it for a while then started typing.

Dylan - can't sleep.

I was immediately frightened when my phone started vibrating and I looked at the call. I picked up.

"Hey." I started.

"Hey... I hope this isn't weird."

"No no! Your okay!" It was silent and i racked my brain trying to think of something to say.


"Yeah!" She said in a high pitched tone.

"From a girls perspective... do you mind if I ask you a question?"

"Of course!" I smiled then sighed.

"My friend - who's a girl - had bleeding feet when I saw her. She was crying and shaking... what do you think could've happened?" It was silent for a few seconds.

"Hmmm.... well shoes can cause that. And she might have been sad or scared cause of something. Why is Meinu okay?"

"Yeah she is. I just wanted to-" I slapped myself then sighed.

"Please don't tell anyone."

"I won't Dylan. I love Meinu!" She giggled and I felt warm inside. After our serious conversation we stayed up for a few our talking about unimportant stuff like whether a dress is black and blue or white and gold, if fortnite is a good game and if we put sauce in the cupboard and stuff like that. I was extremely tired and didn't get much sleep.

"Dylan? Dylan? Dylan!" I woke up and saw y/n.

"Yeah what's up Meinu?" She smiled.

"Can we skip school today. Just me and you?" I groaned.

"Not today. Let's just go."

"Please Dylan? C'mon let's go on a da-"

"I'm trying to sleep." She was silent again then she smacked my head.

"Ahh!" I yelled now wide awake.

"What!?" I said. She was angry.

"Why are you so tired!? We slept at the same time!!?"

"Just cause."

"Cause what?"

"Cause... I don't have to tell you everything!" My eyes widened. I can't believe what just came out my mouth. But I wasn't backing down.

"That's what... a guilty person would say." She ran out the room.

"Fine then!" I said then lay back down in bed. After 5 minutes I got up out of bed. I walked towards her room and heard her sniffling and walked in.

"What do you want?" She said with her back towards me. I sighed.

"I'm sorry." She didn't say anything. I back hugged her.

"I'm sorry... I wasn't thinking at the time. Of course I wanna go on a date but we've missed too much school. Let's wait Hmm?" No answer still.

"Meinu. Please let's just forget about it Hmm?" She sighed.

"Yeah... let's go to sleep then."


Fix us (Dylan Wang) season 2 of fix meWhere stories live. Discover now