Life Update

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Hey guys! It's you're can't update a new chapter lousy author, @Starbutterfly2048. Hey peeps. I know, I know, I need to get a new chapter up and I will. I just don't want to be that one author who updates all the times, but the chapters are boring and lacking good writing techniques. So, stay tuned for a new chapter in America's POV.

Anyways, y'all, there's a more pressing matter. TELL ME WHY MY PARENTS ARE HONNA FORCE ME TO GO UP TO OKLAHOMA CITY, WHEN ICE IS RAINING DOWN AS WE SPEAK? Y'all better pray, cause I've been hearing all over the news about people screeching off the road or they get into two or three car collisions. So, you can guess I'm NOT excited about that.

Also, yo, I just got me some triangle braids! I would add photos, but my device is acting bipolar right now- just the cherry on top of everything right?- but it's really pretty. I like them better than boxbraids though because they're bigger, hurt a little less in my opinion, and take less time. So, you can guarantee I'm finna get more of these.

Also, HAPPY NEW YEAR! WELCOME 2019! I'm so excited for this year because, #1, I'm graduating middle school, and #2 last year was really cruddy for me. Let's just say, people were being huge haters, you know. Always gotta get mad at me because you can't deal with my personality, or you feel like I'm not up to your standard of something. Well, screw your feelings! Child, this is who I am, and if you can't deal, you can leave. There's the door, it's wide open, m'kay? So, this year, I feel like nothing's stopping me. I can already see myself brushing them PABs right off my shoulder. You feeling me?

So, those are my little updates, and I promise y'all, I WILL update, to my full ability. I'm only saying that right now, because there's a possibility of not having internet with I ce getting on the power lines so yeah. Well, buy you guys, this is kaela signing off. Love ya, bye! 😘

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