Chapter 17

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This chapter is dedicated to user52954126

I hope you all enjoy!!! I most definitely did not project myself in this chapter at all

— Yuki 🥊


When Damon woke up again, Percy was next to him laying on his stomach, one of his arms laying across the vampire's torso. The human stirred at Damon's movement and turned his head to blink sleepily at him.

"Go get breakfast," Percy mumbled, shifting so he was in a more comfortable position. "I forgot to go grocery shopping."

"Do I have to?"

The human made a sound similar to a growl as he face planted into his pillow, "Yes. Go. I want donuts."

Damon sighed and got up, grabbing his pants from the floor and his wallet from on top of the teen's dresser, "Fine but you buy breakfast next time."

"Whatever," Percy snuggled into his pillow more, waving halfheartedly as the vampire left, making sure to lock the front door behind him.

It felt like the human had just closed his eyes when he heard the sound of breaking glass from somewhere inside his kitchen. He estimated that he had about ten second before he probably should do something about it. Well, he figured that, if someone was in his apartment, they would come for him. Percy was right when, a few minutes later, his bedroom door nearly came off as someone barged in, saying something nonsensical that he could care less about.

Percy's eyes snapped open when the person came closer to him and he was moving before he was even fully awake. He flipped onto his back, Riptide already out and pointed at the man's throat as he glared at him, "What do you want?"

The man bared fangs and tried to reach for the human without stabbing himself in the throat with the celestial bronze sword, "Demigod..."

Percy's eyes narrowed at the vampire, "How do you know what I am?"

"I can smell you," The man licked his lips. "Your blood will be tasty."

The demigod rolled his eyes, "I kinda have an attachment to it, so... No. I think I'll just kill you now, if you don't mind."

"Even if you kill me," The man growled, furrowing his eyebrows as he glared at the teen. "More will come. A powerful being hiding in a small town never ends well for anyone..."

"Shut up," Percy was on his feet, the vampire's head rolling by the bottom of his dresser. "What do you know?" He tilted his head at the body and bit his lip, "Good thing I don't have carpet... How should I get rid of this though? If I show Damon this then he'll be all pissy that I didn't wait for him before killing him..." Percy tapped his foot in thought before he smiled, "Hmm... I do know someone who owes me a favor..."


"You have to stop calling me to get rid of bodies," Nico growled as he appeared out of the shadows in his cousin's room.

Percy shrugged, "Hey, at least this one's dead this time."

Nico sighed and shook his head, "Small mercies. What's this one, a witch?"

"Nah, the hiker was a witch. This one's a vampire. He said something about more coming for me but I'm not worried about it."

The son of Hades nodded, "Yeah, if they can't deal with the Salvatores, there's no way they could deal with you."

"You flatter," Percy waved his cousin off like a blushing maiden. "Anyways, what've you been up to? Still helping your dad at his house?"

"Yeah," Nico groaned. "He still has me on paperwork duty."

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