The subway dream

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You shut Eddie's door and paused, inhaling before releasing the door knob. You wanted to stay with Eddie and Venom longer, but you needed to get back home. You walked to the subway and got on the train, sighing. You looked at your phone screen, it was a picture of you and Eddie. If Venom was in the picture, it would be to risky. You knew that you and Eddie both had to be careful with Venom and make sure he did not end up on the internet or anything else. Still, with Venom's unique personality, it's not easy trying to keep him a secret. You were on your phone, scrolling through the pictures of Eddie and you, before Venom. It was funny how much Venom changed him, in both good and bad ways. However, you loved Eddie for who he is, and you loved Venom for who he was. They were both interesting characters that's for sure. You heard someone drop something and curse under their breath. You looked over at the sound and saw a man, trying to get his brief case he just dropped. He was wearing a black suit, looking very formal. "God dammit..." You looked away and continued to scroll through your phone. You heard someone else get on and you noticed that he was wearing a black suit, similar to the one the other man was wearing. You thought nothing of it, maybe they're both from a meeting or something. You turned your phone off, out of being paranoid, and starred out the window. (Weird guys...oh well...I better think about what I need at home, so I can go to the store quick on my way back.) You started to think what you had in your fridge, bottles of water, some sushi, and some little snacks. You noticed two more men in black suits get on, mixed with other people who looked normal to you. You fiddled with your fingers and decided to do it. You peeked over the top of the seat to see how many men in suits there were, and you counted their heads. "Miss! Could you please be seated!" The conductor yelled at you. You twisted your neck back and started to sweat. "S-sorry sir!" You blushed, slumping back into your seat. (I only counted five...but there are more...are they filming a movie for Men in Black or something?) You tried to peek around the corner, but the conductor's glare told you to stay seated and to not screw around. You crossed your arms and sat there, thinking about everything. Eddie, Venom, you, and everything...what was it with those four things that made you wonder? You rolled your fingers on your hand rest and grunted, thinking to hard again. You always thought to much, that was one of the things that drove you crazy. (Maybe I'm letting this get to my head, heck if I know...) You looked over at the one man, typing on his computer. (They have to be business men...why else would they be wearing those type of clothes?) You looked at the window, at your reflection and saw your face. Your eyes swirled with wonder, or maybe, that was desire. The desire to know why your heart felt this way, it was like your heart wanted something, but you didn't know what. Out of your reflection, you saw the man in the black suit holding his Bluetooth. "Yes, she's here." You heard him say. You bit your lip and froze, holding your breath. Your fingers started to twitch, and your body shivered. (She!? Could they!? N-no way...there are other women on this train...) You knew better than to look behind you to find out, so you watched him in the window reflection. The man looked over at you and typed on his computer. (Dangit...I think he is talking about me!) You were getting so worked up that your window was getting fogged up, obstructing your view of the reflection. (Crap!) You sighed and looked at the back of the seat in front of you, pouting, but still uneasy. Your fingers were griping the seat handles, and your teeth were clenching against each other. Your lip was curled up, over your bottom lip, a nervous habit of yours. (Dammit...I want to get off this train more than anything else!) You crossed your arms and fell back in your seat, acting like a spoiled kid who was throwing a fit. The window was still foggy, and you reached for you phone, but then froze. (I can't drag them into this...besides, I handle myself.) You slowly took your hand out of your pocket and set it down on the arm rest. Looking back on your past would calm you down, so, you did. You looked back on your past with Eddie, how you two would be having fun as kids...


It was on top of a little hill, that's where you always used to play. The little hill had the perfect view of the sky, not matter what time of day or night it was. A huge tree was on top, used for a swing and jungle gym if you and Eddie wanted it to be. "Eddie! Arm wrestle!" You challenged him, putting your arm up on the table. Eddie glanced over at you and raised his eyebrow. You rolled your fingers, wanting him to fight with you. You had a bandage over you nose, like Eddie did, because you both punched each other in the accident. Eddie gave you his cocky smile and chuckled. "Fine..." He sat down across from you, and you licked your lips. "Hehehe!" Eddie, put his arm up on the table and held your hand, tightly. You gave his hand a tight squeeze, once, making him wince. "Baby..." You muttered. Eddie growled and pushed your hand down. "Ow! Ow!" You whined, as he bent your arm further. "Who's the baby now, huh!?" You growled and yanked Eddie over the table, onto the grass ground, and you got on top of him. "Hmph!" You smiled, proud of yourself. Eddie starred at your brute strength, paralyzed with shock and disbelief. "Try getting out of this!" You teased, holding him down by his wrists. "Gurgh!" Eddie was too weak to try and brake out, he was stuck, and you knew it. "Dammit..." He muttered. You gasped and growled at him, frowning. "No cursing!" You grinded through your teeth. Eddie grew wide eyed and looked to the side, to avoid eye contact with you. "Geez, ok..." He blushed, sticking his tongue out. You giggled and let him up, laying on the ground with your hands behind your head. "Hah! Still weak!" You sang. Eddie pouted and wanted to hit you but thought better of it. He laid down on the grass with you and looked up at the waning sky. The sky was like a yellow canvas, it had splotches of brown and orange in it, like the artist wanted to make the shy that way. "The sky is so pretty like this, right Eddie?" You asked him. "Yeah...pretty..." He said, not convinced. You looked over at him, he looked tired as usual. You frowned and thought for a minute. "Need to get some sleep?" You asked him, rolling on your side. Eddie looked away from you, blushing. "No..." He stated. You grinned, curling your fingers in. "Oh, you don't?" Eddie knew that look on your face, it was the tickle look. "No, no, no!" Eddie got up and ran, while you ran after him, both of you laughing. Eddie collapsed near a tree and you fell next to him, both of you out of breath. " still have that much energy?" Eddie asked you, panting. "I could say the same thing about you." You laughed, curling up next to him. He jerked back a little, but then relaxed next to you. "So...will we be together when we get older?" You asked Eddie. Eddie glanced over to you and he exhaled. "Definity, we'll live next to each other...who else will I have to arm wrestle with?" He teased you. You both laughed until your parents took you home. Sadly, living together never did happen, just like a childhood promise.


(Was I that aggressive back then...? God...I guess I have changed...maybe...) "Miss?" You snapped out of your day dreaming and looked up at the conductor. "Y-yes!?" You asked, a little dazed. "This is the last stop for tonight." He said, pointing to the door. "Oh, what time is it?" You asked, getting your stuff. "Its ten at night." He said. "Oh man...well thank you sir." You walked past him and walked out the door, seeing the moon illuminate the night sky. The subway made screeching noise behind you, setting off to its resting spot. You spotted dazzling lights, some blinking and some keeping a constant color. You recognized the huge lights and lively place, it was a little city not to far from your house. You knew a little store nearby that had some food you could get to eat. You ventured off towards the store, not noticing a dark figure behind you.

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