Consoling Venom

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With Vanquish's reassuring words, things seemed to go back to normal for everyone. You stopped locking yourself in your room and spent more time with Eddie and Venom. Eddie, you, and Venom got along together, like Daniel never happened, and things were great. You stood at the coffee brewer and heard the hiss and sizzle of the coffee squirting out of the machine and into the cup. You hummed and rolled your fingers on the counter, waiting for it to stop. Eddie was at the table, eating his breakfast you made him. Venom was on his shoulder, his face making different disgusted expressions every time Eddie ate something he disliked. "Gross." Venom shivered, seeing Eddie eat a piece of bacon. Eddie ignored him and kept eating his food. You peeked over your shoulder and saw Venom stick his tongue out in disgust. You giggled and looked away, catching Venom's attention. He looked up to you with stars in his eyes, letting out a long and silent exhale, almost like he was in awe. Eddie raised his eyebrow to Venom's odd behavior and swallowed. "Yo, Venom?" He asked, waving his hand in front of his face. Venom snapped out of it and growled. "What?" "Calm down, you were daydreaming again." Eddie said, shoving some tatter tots in his mouth. Venom growled and you looked at the frying pan. "Hey Venom, you want something to eat?" Venom looked over at you and shook his head. "No thank you, we're not hungry." Eddie dropped his fork and chocked on his food, which Venom knew was done intentionally. "What?" Venom grunted. "I'm sorry, it's're not hungry?" Venom barred his fangs at Eddie and towered over him. "Do you want us to be hungry? We will eat all of your insides, starting with your heart!" Venom threatened. Eddie nervously laughed and you rolled your eyes. "Enough Venom, you're going to make Eddie's heart stop if you keep threatening him like that all the time." You warned him. Venom sighed, knowing you were right. "Eddie, you want some coffee?" You asked him. "No thank you." "How about you Venom?" You asked him, turning completely around to him, with your tight pajamas on. Venom hesitated, not being able to talk to you like he normally would with those clothes on. "Ugh...n-n-" "-You know he doesn't like coffee, (Y/n)." Eddie said. Venom quickly shot Eddie a glare and growled through his teeth. "Shut up." He turned to you and blushed. "We would like some coffee, please." He said. You giggled and nodded, turning around to brew the coffee. Venom exhaled and Eddie snickered, covering his mouth with his fist. "One word and I swear..." Venom trailed off. You took the little black mug out of the coffee machine and set it in front of Venom. He starred at the coffee, feeling like he had just made a grave mistake. He gulped and stuck his tongue out, cringing in disgust. "Drink up!" Venom raised his head to look at you and you stuck your tongue out, making him blush. "Use your tongue if you have to, but don't drink it to fast, its hot." You warned him, walking back to the frying pan to flip the bacon. Venom groaned and starred at his menacing coffee. (What have we got ourselves into?) Eddie took a sip of coffee and Venom gagged. He already hated the taste from what he could taste out of Eddie's mouth, he didn't want it in his own. "Eddie, want some more bacon?" You asked him. "No thank you." He smiled. He glanced at Venom and grinned. "Unless you want some, Venom." Venom growled at Eddie and barred his fangs, slobbering all over Eddie's lap on purpose. "We swear we will kill you!" You rolled your eyes and took the frying pan off the stove. "Ok, since you two are fed, I'm going to work out." You said, walking to the back room. Venom looked at Eddie, confused. "Why?" "She doesn't have Vanquish anymore, she might feel vulnerable." Eddie suggested, drinking his coffee. "Perhaps..." Venom trailed off, lost in thought. After you worked out, you went to the bathroom to take a shower, giving Eddie and Venom a lot of alone time. Venom seemed inpatient, like he was itching for action. Eddie was more mellow and watched tv, resting on the couch. Venom couldn't take the urge anymore and turned to Eddie. "Eddie, we need to talk." He blurted. Eddie looked at him out of the corner of his eye and shrugged. "Ok, what's up?" Venom turned the tv off and Eddie growled. "Hey!" "Shut up!" Venom growled, pushing Eddie down on the couch. Eddie barred his teeth and growled. "Venom! Let me up right now!" Eddie ordered. Venom sighed, letting Eddie sit up. "I'm sorry...I am not in my right of mind." "When are you?" "Don't push it." Venom turned to Eddie, looking upset and conflicted. " stomach hurts..." He complained. Eddie raised his eyebrow and scratched his head. "Ugh...Venom, our stomach doesn't hurt." "I'm not talking about our stomach, idiot! I'm talking about mine!" "You have a stomach?" Eddie asked, folding his hands and resting his head on them. Venom shook his head and groaned, not understanding it himself. "No...we mean...we do not have a stomach so to speak...but has felt like we have." "How so?" Eddie asked, now being interested more than concerned for his symbiote. " be honest...every time (Y/n) asks something from us, or even talks to us, we always get an odd feeling inside of us. We have never experienced this feeling before and it makes us feel sick." Eddie nodded and put his hands behind his head, leaning back on the couch. "Heh! Don't tell me..." Eddie paused and let Venom give Eddie his full attention. "You like her, don't you?" Venom broke out in goosebumps, transferring over to Eddie's body since he was the main body. Eddie looked down at his arms and legs crawling with goosebumps and he grinned. "I don't believe do!" He laughed. "Leave it to you to insult your symbiote, pussy!" He growled. "I'm not a pussy, parasite!" Eddie shot back. They both growled at each other and turned away, grunting. "We'll talk more tonight, ok?" Eddie said out of the blue. "Huh?" Venom gasped in astonishment. Eddie rubbed his neck and blushed. "You would make a better fit for (Y/n) than me...don't get me wrong, I only see her as a friend. But I trust you, not some D-bag you pick up off the street." Venom was amazed at Eddie's own compassion, not used to his host caring for his feelings that much. "Hey guys!" You walked out with your hair slicked down against your scalp and dripping wet. They both starred at you, lifelessly, and you starred at them. " I interrupting something?" You asked, completely clueless. Venom shook his head and smiled. "No, no, not at all!" You nodded and smiled. "Ok, I'm going to go make something for dinner, any suggestions?" You asked. Both Eddie and Venom weren't hungry, but they knew better than to say nothing to you if you offered to make them something to eat. "Tatter tots are fine." Venom answered. "Ok! Coming up!" Venom snickered and looked back at Eddie, who's ears were bright red. "Your doing." He confirmed.


When you were asleep, Venom and Eddie stayed up to talk. Eddie brushed his hair back and rubbed his eyes, feeling exhausted. "Ok, Venom, hurry up. I'm tired." Eddie yawned, shutting his eyes. "Well...I don't know why we have suddenly gained an interest in her. We once saw her as a friend and now we see her as more? It is unnatural and odd, but we cannot explain it." Venom turned back to Eddie but found his host passed out on his bed, snoring. "Of course..." In your room, you rolled over in your sleep, muttering. "No...I-I didn't want this..." You saw Vanquish close in on you, with Venom, and they both looked hungry. Their tongues were hanging out of their mouths and their fangs were shining white pearls, ready to sink into your flesh. You cried out in fear, and they attacked you as soon as you shot up, screaming. You gasped, patting yourself down. You held your head and groaned. "Dammit...these nightmares are becoming more realistic and terrifying. I can acutely feel them tear me limb from limb at this point." You fixed your hair and looked over at your clock. You tossed your covers on the floor and walked out to the kitchen, making some coffee. You moaned, remembering their faces. (Vanquish looked ready to feed on me and ready to kill me...Venom looked ready to do the same...) "(Y/n)?" You twisted your head around to Eddie, who looked tired. "You ok, we just heard you scream." He said, walking over to you. "Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to wake you and Venom up." You apologized, looking away. Eddie tilted his head and yanked your arm to the side, pulling you around to him. "Eddie!" You yelled. Eddie tilted his head and looked down at his feet. "Are you seeing us in a different light?" He asked you. "Huh?" You questioned. "When me and Venom split up one time, I had nightmares all night about him trying to kill me. Are you experiencing the same without Vanquish?" You rubbed your arm and nodded. "Yes, I am. In fact, I have been seeing Venom to. They both prey on me and want to rip me to pieces." Eddie's eyes grew large and he crossed his arms. "I you fear Venom?" He asked you. You shook your head and bit your lip. "No, I don't...I would like to think that...but maybe I really do." You said. Eddie shifted his weight uncomfortably and muttered something under his breath. "Dammit..." Was the only word you could make out. "Huh? You ok Eddie, you haven't been acting right at night either." You said, rubbing his cheek. Eddie's skin suddenly crawled with goosebumps and you tore away, not used to his skin reacting to your touch like that. "Y-you ok? Are you sick or something?" You asked him, feeling his forehead. "We are fine, don't worry about us. We are more worried about you." Eddie grabbed your wrists and held them tightly. A pinching pain shot through your wrists and you winced in pain. He held his breath and scanned over you, biting his lip. He cursed under his breath and let go. "We are sorry...we didn't mean to hurt you like that." "Y-you didn't hurt me." You lied, rubbing your wrists. Eddie sighed and you frowned, looking in the cabinet for something. You grabbed Eddie's coffee mug and set it down. "Want some?" You asked. Eddie's eyes shot to the ground and he cringed. "N-no thank you. I-I don't want anything." He said, almost like he was trying not to gag. "Eddie...I'm worried about you..." You reached out to touch him, but he smacked your hand away and growled. "What about Venom?" He blurted. "Huh?" Eddie looked away and shoved his hands in his pockets. "Nothing, goodnight." He walked back to his room and slammed the door shut, leaving you confused and silent.

Venom x Reader (Discontinued) Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang