The plan

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You and Eddie were sitting on the couch, listening to Vanquish. "Without (Y/n), we could not defeat Daniel. We're sorry." Vanquish held his head down in shame and Venom perked up. "Does that mean he has men running around?" He asked. "No, in fact all of his men were killed in the fire. I am still trying to figure out how he managed to survive..." "Well, that can wait. We need to save Mr. Lee! Come on!" You got up to run out the door, but Eddie grabbed your arm. "Hold on (Y/n)!" Eddie yelled, yanking you back down. You crossed your arms and pouted, puffing your cheeks out. "What!?" "We don't even know where he is." "He is in a mountain, deep within its core. That is where he is holding Mr. Lee as well, locked up in a cage." Vanquish said. Eddie turned to Vanquish and raised his eyebrow as he narrowed his eyes. "How were you able to see all this without getting caught?" Eddie questioned. "I simply discarded my host for a minute or two and slipped around the place undetected." Vanquish said like it was obvious. Eddie gave him a sour expression, like he didn't believe him, but he knew Vanquish was telling the truth. "Where's Mr. Lee being held?" You asked Vanquish. "In a cell, far away from the entrance." "Good enough for me! Let's go guys!" You yelled. "Hold on (Y/n)!" Eddie pulled you back down and you barred your teeth at him. "What!?" "Don't you think it would be a good idea to know the layout of the HQ, before we go?" You stiffened up and crossed your legs, peeved. "So?" You challenged. You slowly started to think more about what Eddie said and you sighed. (Damn...I know he's right, but I want to save Mr. Lee so badly, just the thought of having to wait more kills me.) Vanquish sensed your pain and nuzzled against your neck to comfort you. "From what I have gathered the entrance is the pathway to the cell and to every other facility in the HQ. However, because I am a symbiote and I cannot live without a host, my time was limited. I am afraid I do not know every inch of the HQ." Vanquish stated. "That's ok, Vanquish. You did your best, that's all that matters." You whispered softly, scratching him under his chin. Vanquish leaned his head forward and started to purr, much to his disliking. Vanquish will say he doesn't like to be scratched under his chin, but you know he's lying. Venom cleared his throat loudly and grabbed everyone's attention. "In any case, we shall soon find out how big or small the HQ is." Venom hissed. "Yes, we will." Vanquish said, ripping his head away from your hand. "But from what I've gathered, the cell is right near the entrance. So, all we have to do is go to the cell and get Mr. Lee?" Eddie asked. "That would make the most sense, but we don't know what kind of traps he has in store for us." Vanquish sighed. "I don't know...come on! Sitting around here won't do us any good!" You pulled Eddie up and ran through the door, literally through the door. The door smacked down, and you cupped your mouth, turning back to Eddie. His eyes were wide with surprise and he stared at you, clueless. "I-I'm sorry, I forgot I have Vanquish's strength now." You said, quickly tugging him along. The two of you burst through the roof doors and you looked over the city, biting your lip. The daytime was not an ideal time to do this, night would have been more kind with the dark skies covering your tracks. "Eddie..." You looked at him with sweaty palms and dry lips. "You sure we can do this?" You asked. Eddie gave you a smug grin and scoffed. "You're the one who was so excited to do this." "I know, but in the would be too risky, don't you think?" You pointed out. Eddie crossed his arms and Venom slightly poked his head out of Eddie's hoodie. "Yes, that is true." Venom said. Venom didn't want you or Eddie to get caught, Vanquish was another story. If it was anything like the first time Venom and Eddie looked for you, night would be better. "Very well." Vanquish said, poking his miniature head out of your shirt collar. You looked at the adorable little dark blue symbiote and rubbed his head, receiving a low growl. "(Y/n)." Vanquish hissed. "You're too cute!" You giggled, making Venom's anger spark in Eddie's body. Venom's anger towards Vanquish was starting to show its true colors and nature, which Eddie knew. Eddie cupped his mouth from feeling lightheaded and you stopped, looking at Eddie and Venom. "Until night, that's when we will go." Venom spat. "Agreed." Eddie said, holding his stomach and arching forward. "E-Eddie!" You held him up and looked at his pale face, seeing that he was starting to grow sick. But you didn't realize that it was Venom who was doing this to Eddie. You held his chin and turned his head side to side, seeing droplets of sweat roll down his cheeks. <He's getting sick.> You said. <Perhaps...> Vanquish shrugged. Eddie's lips quivered and formed a nervous and weak smile. "I-I'm worry too much." He lied. Eddie growled as his stomach coiled around itself and squeezed his insides. "Eddie! Don't push yourself! Come on, let's go back inside!"


The four of you sat around the table, plotting out the map of the HQ. It was more detailed than you could have imagined. Vanquish's memory surpassed even yours for that matter, proving that to you by drawing out half the HQ with your hand. In Vanquish's case, you had a hand for art and creativity, so he was in luck to be able to use your hand to draw this. Venom didn't like the thought of Vanquish using you as a puppet to do something or anything for that matter. But Venom knew that getting Mr. Lee back would make you happy and he had to push through the pain. Vanquish moved your hand across the large sheet of paper and nodded, setting the pencil down. "There, this is all I can recall." Vanquish said. In the center was a large square with four different pathways branching in and out of it like a subway train. The four paths connected to other parts of the building that Vanquish didn't know, so they were blank at the end of the lines. The entrance was obvious, marked by a big red bold marker. Vanquish moved his head around, making sure he put down everything that he remembered. "Ok, now the plan will be to break in through the entrance." Vanquish slithered out of your hand and pointed to the entrance with a little finger and slid it towards the center. "This is where Mr. Lee is being held, but we can't go in a group. We can imagine the place would be filled to the brim with traps and alarms." Vanquish explained. "How do you plan to avoid them?" Venom asked. "It's simple, we need to shut down the main power source." "Which is where?" Eddie asked. Vanquish held his head down and moaned. "As we said, without a host we were forced to retreat. I could not gather any more information than this." Vanquish said. "So, we are walking blindly then?" Venom implied. Vanquish narrowed his eyes and hissed through his teeth, then Venom added. "We will not allow (Y/n) to get hurt, Vanquish." "Neither will I." Vanquish hissed back. You tapped your finger against the table and pointed to the center. "So, Mr. Lee is here right?" "Correct." Vanquish turned back to you and you opened your mouth to speak. "What does the cell look like, any high-tech equipment?" Vanquish thought for a moment and then grunted. "No, but I can bet you there is. The cage is ordinary, one you would see in a jail. But, knowing Daniel he must have cameras and other devices set up around and inside the cage." "That sounds a little bit farfetched for a guy who has a lot of money to blow on expensive stuff." Eddie said. "We agree that it is odd for Daniel to have Mr. Lee locked up in an old tattered cage. However, keep in mind that Mr. Lee is not as strong as me and Venom, he cannot break the bars." Vanquish said. "And on top of that Daniel doesn't have any of his men? This sounds too easy! The whole thing sounds like a trap to me." Eddie said. "I think so to." Venom commented. "But what other choice do we have but to break in?" You asked them. They all looked at one another and you grunted. "That's just it, nothing." You sighed. "Now, now, (Y/n), let's not let ourselves become narrow sighted." Vanquish warned. "I know that Vanquish, but Eddie is right. Daniel has no men, a cage that we could break, and as far as we know he may have a few traps set up." You said. Vanquish closed his eyes and tried to think of something while Venom did the same. "Look, we may not know everything about this. But as long as Vanquish knows where Mr. Lee is, we should be ok." You said. Venom's eyes shot open and he frowned. "You could get hurt, (Y/n)." Venom winced at the thought of you being covered in blood and screaming in pain. He already had nightmares about you like that and he didn't want them to become a reality. "Venom, we don't have a choice, we need to find Mr. Lee." You said. "I know...I just hope whatever we're getting into we can get back out."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21, 2019 ⏰

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