A hard decision

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You starred at the ceiling, not being able to go to sleep, afraid of what would happen if you did. Eddie and Venom were sleeping in their room, next to yours. Eddie was tossing and turning, having nightmares about Venom and you. He would occasionally moan loud enough for you to hear, even over all the New York city noise. You were concerned for him, not being able to tell if he was being attacked or just having a bad dream. You knew you were having a bad dream. This whole thing was just a bad dream, or so you wished it to be. You rolled over, on your once wounded arm and sighed. (What will I do? I can't turn them in...even if my life will mean death...) You heard Eddie moan again and you sighed, throwing the covers off you. You rubbed your eyes and sluggishly got out of bed, pulling yourself to the kitchen. You looked at the time, 3:00 in the morning, and you scoffed. (Might as well stay up, I can't go to sleep.) You poured yourself some coffee and scratched your head, moaning. "(Y/n)?" You twisted your head around to see Eddie, tired and upset. "Eddie?" He suddenly looked at his body and looked at you, having a shocked expression glued on his face. "Ugh...yeah...sorry." He walked over to you and leaned against the counter, looking at you up and down. "You ok from us healing you?" He asked. You nodded and rubbed your neck, blushing. "Y-yeah..." "You're wound, its not cracking open is it?" He asked. "No, it looks ok for now." Eddie nodded and held his chin, thinking. "If it happens to brake open again, let us know. I'll ask Venom to heal you again." You smiled and took your coffee out of the brewer. You took a sip and Eddie scrunched his nose up in disgust. "So, are you willing to share what happened with us?" Eddie pushed on. You sighed and took your coffee away from your lips. "Honestly...I'm afraid to." You stuttered. "Huh? Why is that? We're both here to protect you (Y/n)." Eddie said. "I know but..." You set your coffee down and leaned on the counter, fighting with yourself on whether you should tell them or not. "(Y/n)?" Eddie asked, leaning forward to see your face. "Eddie...I'm scared." You whispered. "What? I told you, we're here to protect you-" "-That's just it! You'll be around me and you'll be in danger, both of you!" You curled your fingers in and banged your fist against the counter, causing Eddie to jump. "The man Greg Smith was working for...his name is Daniel Herring and he wants you and Venom." You said. Eddie crossed his arms and fell silent, nodding. "Ok, what for?" "He didn't tell me that much, but he told me enough to make me listen to him." You frowned, pulling yourself together. "Hmm? What could he have said that could possibly make you consider his wishes?" Eddie asked. "He...he..." You fell silent and walked to the couch, gripping the side of it. You arched your back forward, trying to hold back a scream. "He...he told me that...if I didn't bring you and Venom to him...he would..." Eddie walked over to you and rubbed your back, trying to comfort you. "Come on, sit down, you shouldn't stand so much. I don't know how effective Venom's healing is on another human outside of me." Eddie said. You slowly nodded and sat down, having Eddie sit right next to you. "What did he tell you? We will make sure it doesn't happen." Eddie said. His soothing words were reassuring but up to a point. "Eddie...he...he told me that...he told me he would torture me if I didn't." Eddie crossed his arms and studied you. "Torture? That's very vague, can you explain that further?" Eddie asked. You shivered and clenched your teeth down, not wanting to think about it. "He would...he would let a symbiote take over me." Eddie's eyes grew wide and full of utter shock. "What!?" Eddie exclaimed. "The symbiote was a dark blue color and...he threatened to let it control me if I didn't bring you and Venom to him." Eddie held his breath and nodded, scratching his head. "So...now what?" He asked. "To be honest, I thought a swat team would have come in here by now and taken you away." "We're not leaving your side, don't worry." Eddie said, pulling you in closer to him. You rested your head against his shoulder, tired and angry. "I'm sorry I couldn't tell you earlier...I was told that we were bring watched." "You don't need to apologize, we understand. The situation you're in is tough..." Eddie looked over at you and swept you off your feet, holding you bridal style. "Wahh! E-Eddie!" You shouted. "Sh! You don't want to wake Venom up, do you?" Eddie asked. You held your hands together and sighed. "N-no..." "Don't worry, I'll explain everything to him once he gets up. In the meantime, you should get some sleep." Eddie carried you to your room and set you down on the bed, tucking you in. "Eddie, I'm staying up." You stated. "No, you should rest, you'll need it. We'll have to find a place to hide in the morning, ok? Go to sleep for now." Eddie held your chin with his hand and rubbed his thumb across your cheek, causing you to blush. "E-Eddie..." You groaned, feeling your stomach grow knots. Eddie chuckled and left you in your room, closing the door.


"So...this is the way it has to be?" Eddie asked Venom. <Yes, it seems we have no other choice.> Eddie sighed and put on a jacket, starring at your door. <Do not worry, she will be ok if we can get there before she wakes up.> Venom said. "Yeah...I know." Eddie walked out the door and gently pulled it shut, leaving you alone in the house.


You woke up, stretching out and moaning. You rubbed your eyes and pulled yourself up, walking to the door. You opened your door and walked to the kitchen, walking past a slip of paper. You yawned and started to make your coffee, thinking Eddie and Venom were awfully quiet. You peeked over your shoulder and saw the room door open, with no Eddie or Venom inside of it. "Huh, must have gone to go get some food." You shrugged, taking a sip of your coffee. You turned around and leaned on the counter, your eyes landing on a white sheet of paper. You slowly took your cup away from your mouth and straightened up. You slowly walked to the piece of paper and set your coffee mug down. You picked the piece of paper up and starred at it, frozen. Your fingers trembled, gripping the sides of the paper, causing it to crumble up. Your eyes were frozen in place, not veering off the name that was written in huge black ink. It was sloppy and poorly written, leading you to only one person, or thing, that you knew. The name was Venom, written by his own hand. Eddie's name was right next to it, not being as big as Venom's.

Dear (Y/n), this is Eddie and Venom. We now know the current position you're in and in conclusion, we must keep you safe. Me and Venom have decided to go to this "Daniel Herring" guy by ourselves. It would be best that you stay away from us and him, that way, we can keep you safe. We both agree this is for the best and that it will keep you out of harm's way. We'll be able to stop the problem from the root and keep you away from that other symbiote. We do not want you to feel the need to come after us, so don't. Do not fret, I will take good care of Eddie for us. (Y/n)...you have been my friend as long as I can remember. I will keep you safe at all costs, even if it means me and Venom will be tortured and tested on for the rest of our lives. I'm sorry I couldn't tell you this face to face, but you would have wanted to come with us. I can't live knowing my friend was killed because I put her in danger. I feel the same way, I am the reason for both of you being in danger, I will take whatever is thrown at me. Goodbye (Y/n), hopefully, we'll meet again soon. Goodbye...until we meet again...(Y/n).

Your fingers pierced through the paper and dug into your palm, drawing out blood. Red stained the once white paper making your lip curl under your teeth. You slammed your fist into the counter, crying. "Those idiots...they have no idea what they're up against." You cried and wiped your tears away, growling. "No, I will not be the one who lets them die. If Daniel wants to start a war, then I'll bring it to him."

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