Saying goodbye

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Vanquish looked at the door and then you, receiving a soft moan as you rolled over. He snickered and took over your body, pulling you up. He made sure to keep you asleep as he took over you, not wanting you to be aware of his intentions. He transformed into himself and walked to the door, opening it. As he opened the door, he saw Eddie, leaning on the counter with dark circles under his eyes. These circles weren't normal, they were a solid purple color and perhaps black. Venom was inside of Eddie, not showing his face at the time. Vanquish cleared his throat and shut the door, making his presence known. Eddie didn't move his head, not even to the sound of hearing Vanquish. "Eddie?" Vanquish questioned. Eddie slowly turned his head, like a rusted wheel, and nodded. "What do you want?" He asked in a low and worn-out voice. Vanquish was surprised that Eddie didn't care if he was using your body or not. He anticipated for him to use Venom and kill him, but there he sat, without a care on the world. Vanquish shook his head, not having a minute to lose. "We need to talk." "Go ahead, I'm all ears." Eddie turned away from him and starred off into space. Vanquish crossed his arms and scoffed. "You seem very calm for seeing me like this." Eddie glanced over at him, holding his head up with his hand. "Kill me if you want to, I don't care." "That's not why I am here. I am here on behalf of (Y/n) and your sake." Eddie nodded and let his head dangle. "What do you want?" "I no longer wish to see you and my host suffer. You both have become mindless zombies so to speak." Eddie nodded, but didn't respond. Venom, inside of Eddie, saw Vanquish and grew fangs. Venom took over Eddie and walked over to Vanquish. "Why are you using her body?" Venom growled, crossing his arms. "This is the only way I can come out and besides, you seem to be doing the same." "That's different." Venom stated. "Is it?" Vanquish asked him, tilting his head. "Don't push it!" Venom hissed. "In any case...we want to help." Vanquish said. "How?" "We have a plan, but you can't tell your host." Venom spit his tongue out and swished it around. "Make it quick, and good, morning will soon rise." "That's what we want." Vanquish grinned.


When it was morning, with the sun's rays shining through your window. Vanquish gently shook you awake. "(Y/n), get up." He said. "Vanquish, let me sleep." "You have been sleeping quite enough, don't you think!?" Vanquish forced you to get up and you growled. "Vanquish! No controlling me without my permission!" You growled, shooting wide awake. Vanquish grinned and leaned into your face, lashing his tongue around. "Heheh! That's the (Y/n) I know! I haven't seen that face in a long time." You growled and Vanquish pulled you out the door. You walked out to Eddie, who was sitting at the table. "(Y/n)?" Eddie asked, suddenly lifting his head. He looked like a wreck with his unshaven face and droopy eyes. He starred at you and Vanquish sat you down. <Sit and stay.> <Fine...> You were to angry to deal with Vanquish right now. Vanquish came out of your shoulder and tilted his head at Eddie. "Venom?" Venom came out of Eddie's shoulder and smiled. "Yes?" "Just stay quiet." Venom blinked and remained silent. "Ok, now that I have everyone's attention-" "-Wait, why am I here?" Eddie interrupted. Vanquish took a deep breath and smiled at Eddie, angrily. "If you shut up and let me speak, maybe you would know, just a thought." Eddie grunted and slumped down in his chair. "It has come to my attention that this man, Mr. Lee, has had an impact on both of your lives." Vanquish paused and watched your flustered faces slowly turn into agony and despair. "I have seen not only my host, but you Eddie, suffer because of his disappearance." "What are you getting at?" Eddie growled, wiping his face off. "When I first met Daniel Herring, I thought I had this world all figured out. That everyone was out for money and fame and, without thought, would kill another soul to get higher in the world. With that in the back of my head, I thought that was how I was supposed to act as well. You humans are full of greed and evil deeds, ones I cannot even express to you." Eddie slammed his fist on the table and growled. "What the fuck are you getting at, parasite!? You wanted to bring us out here to lecture us!?" Venom wrapped himself around Eddie's mouth and held him down in his chair. "Shut up." Venom hissed. Eddie's eyes were filled of hatred and the desire to kill, but Venom had him under lock and key. Vanquish inhaled and exhaled, thinking of how to put this in words. "We must say, we thought we knew everything about humans...but we were wrong." Eddie and you were shocked, paralyzed with a loss of words. "What?" "When I merged with the boy, the one (Y/n) shot, I was exposed to the misery and horrors of his abusive life. When I left him for (Y/n), sensing she would prove better than the dead body, I learned everything about her. (Y/n) is different from most humans I have known, not only did she give me her body to save you and Venom, but she also overcame her fear to do so. I didn't understand the feelings (Y/n) always felt towards you and Venom, hell, I still don't. She cares for both of you deeply, it sickened me when she first became my host because I despised those feelings. I thought they made her weak and vulnerable to others, but truth be told, they only made her stronger. We have underestimated this world and its inhabitants greatly and for that we must apologize." Eddie and you starred at each other and then looked back to Vanquish. "With that being said...I will be leaving." "What!?" You screamed, shooting out of your chair. You teared up and growled at Vanquish, who was smiling weakly. "You mean to tell me after we changed you, you're going to leave? How does that make sense!?" You screamed. Venom let go of Eddie's mouth and he stood up, crossing his arms. "I have to agree." Eddie added. "I must argue. I have seen how painful and intolerable this man's non-existence is to you both. I can never repay you (Y/n), for showing me how wrong I was with how I approached you and your life." You tilted your head and pouted. "B-but..." "Don't worry, I am leaving to go find Mr. Lee. That is what will make you happy, correct?" You held your breath and Eddie froze, thinking Vanquish was insane. "But you can't take (Y/n) with you." Eddie said. "He doesn't plan to. He will be taking another host." Venom explained. "Another host?" You questioned, nervously playing with your hair. Vanquish chuckled and nodded. "Do not worry, you are my one and only host. There is no need to worry about me leaving you for another host, I only want you." Venom glared at Vanquish and hissed very loudly. "Hmm?" Vanquish turned his attention to Venom and laughed. "Of course, I must thank you and Eddie for changing me as well. Had it not been for you two being in (Y/n)'s life, who knows how things would have worked out." Venom took the compliment with a low growl. "Whatever..." Eddie rubbed his neck and sighed. "So, who is your host going to be?" "There is a young man down the hallway, he will be fine for now." You looked at Vanquish with big innocent eyes and he chuckled. "Of course, I will miss you. Stop giving me those puppy dog eyes of yours." You held your head down and tried not to cry. "Hrmm...look, I will return. You are my one and only host, remember that." He nuzzled against your neck and you sighed. "You have made that quite clear, Vanquish." Venom noted, getting peeved by Vanquish's words and actions. Vanquish rolled his eyes and scoffed, lifting his head up to Venom. "We know you will miss us to." "The feeling is neutral." Venom mumbled. Vanquish nodded and smiled at you. "Goodbye, (Y/n), my host." Vanquish nuzzled against you nose, shocking you, before he hopped out of your body and slithered to the door. He looked back at you one more time, trying to paint a mental picture of you in his memory, before crawling underneath the door. (You better come back to me, Vanquish. You promised and I will hold you to it...)

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