A rough night

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Eddie and you sat down on the beds, right across from one another. You were telling him everything and why you had to take the actions you took. Eddie nodded, leaning back on the wall. "I see, so this guy's name is Greg Smith, an FBI agent? No wonder why you acted so weird with me on the phone." Eddie scoffed. Venom popped his head out, growling. "Us, Eddie, us!" He hissed. Eddie shooed him away, not wanting to deal with it right now. "Yeah, yeah, Venom." Eddie said. Venom growled, and you put your one leg over the other, crossing your arms. "In any event, we should stay together for now. I don't want you two to get into any other trouble." Venom smiled. "We don't mind trouble, trouble equals more heads and bodies to eat!" Eddie frowned upon Venom's theory and let out a sigh. You giggled, and Eddie rubbed his neck, blushing. "Well...we better get some sleep." You nodded and stood up, grabbing a towel. "Ok, just use that bed for now, I'm going to go wash my face of quick." You stated. "Why?" "Do you know how much adrenaline will make you sweat?" You snickered, leaving the room. Eddie thought for a moment while Venom got it. "When she attacked us, Eddie." Venom frowned, not amused. Eddie blushed and giggled. "Yeah, I figured." Eddie said. "And I figured that I would have to explain it because you don't get it." Venom said, slipping back into Eddie's body. "Whatever, go to sleep." Eddie rested his head down on the pillow and Venom pulled the covers over him. Eddie pouted, and ignored Venom. You walked back in, putting the wet towel on a chair. You walked over to your bed and sat down, sighing. You were now with Eddie and Venom, all you wanted to do was protect both of them. It was hard trying to put on a brave face when deep down you were terrified. You wanted to cry and throw yourself into Eddie's arms, but that wouldn't go over to well. You sighed, pushing your hair back, and resting on your pillow. You looked at the ceiling, counting down the minutes until midnight. You groaned, ruffling your hair up, slamming your hands down on the bed. Eddie cracked his eye open, seeing you flustered. <She is upset.> Venom said. <Wow, how could you tell?> Eddie asked sarcastically. Venom growled and waited a long minute, before relaxing. <You should go over to her and make sure she's ok.> Venom said. <No...she wouldn't want me to...she'd probably punch me.> <She would probably surprise you, Eddie.> Venom said, imagining you punching him and Eddie. <In both good and bad ways.> Venom added. <Yeah...> You rolled over, sobbing, covering your face with your hands. <Eddie?> <Just leave her alone, Venom...that's what she would want.> <Or is that what you want?> Venom challenged. Eddie shut his eyes and fell asleep, leaving you to deal with your pain alone. You wiped your eyes and sniffled, pulling yourself together. (Geez...what would Eddie be thinking if he saw me like this? He would think I'm a total baby for sure...) You sighed, sitting up, clearing your nose up. You hugged your knees in, feeling drowsy, but not enough to sleep. Your eyes felt like they could roll out of their sockets without you feeling any pain. You didn't make any noise, trying to let Eddie sleep. You glanced over at him and sighed, seeing something moving in the dark. You could hear it making a hissing noise and you snickered, dropping your smile. "Venom?" "Hmm?" Venom turned his head to you, showing himself in the little light that you had from the moon. The moon light was outline in four squares, not making much of a light. Venom tilted his head side to side, studying you. His huge narrow white eyes glowing in the night. "Yes?" "Is Eddie up?" You asked, pushing your hair down, back in place. "No, he is asleep...as should you, but you're not." Venom said, coming over to you. Venom was still attached to Eddie's body, but from a long distance. Symbiote's are famous for acting like slime and even more famous for surprising their hosts. "Oh, sorry, did I keep you up?" Venom blushed and held his head down, shaking it. "N-no...you didn't." You were shocked, did Venom just stutter? Rarely did you ever hear Venom stutter, more or less hesitate to respond to someone. "You ok?" "What!?" Venom shot his head up, blushing. "I've never heard you stutter before." You explained, rubbing your neck. "Ah, I guess you haven't." Venom sighed, bringing his head down again. "V-Venom?" "Hmm?" "You got the name Vee-Vee, right?" Venom snickered and nodded. "Yes, Vee-Vee is like saying Venom, but in different context." He got closer to your face and grinned. "I played fetch, now...where's my treat?" He asked, sticking his tongue out, laughing. You grew pale and gulped, pulling on your shirt collar. "I don't have one." "Well...you could be my treat." Venom suggested, shooting back into Eddie's body, causing him to transform. Venom chuckled, getting out of bed. You froze and looked up at him, in fear. "Yes, a small treat is all we want. After all, you are what we hunted for all this time." Venom teased you, getting closer to you. You blushed and waited for Venom to get close enough, before you stood up in front of him, causing him to freeze. "Shut up, stop teasing me." You blushed, looking down at your feet. Venom rubbed his neck, laughing. "Sorry, I guess we became too much like ourselves." You crossed your arms and looked up to the two glowing white eyes. You sighed and shook your head. "Goodnight Venom." You jumped into bed and tossed the covers on you, letting Venom stand there to gaze at you. You could feel his stare pierce through you and every time you thought to much of it, you shuddered. Venom tilted his head and made a low gurgling noise, indicating he was curious. Venom walked to the end of the bed and towered over you, making you feel very uncomfortable. "Are you cold?" Venom asked, causing you to shoot wide awake. "N-no..." You lied, now shivering. "You don't lie very well." "Who ever said I was?" You challenged. Venom stuck his tongue out and grinned, slurping it back in. He got on top of your bed, hovering over you, smiling. "Venom!?" You growled, pulling the covers up above your chest, blushing. "What? You are cold, right?" "No." You stated, throwing the covers over your head, hiding yourself. "Hmm...your body temperature is below average." Venom stated, reaching for the top of the covers. "No, Venom." You said, reading his mind. Venom froze and growled, taking his hand away. "Stop being so stubborn, (Y/n)." Venom hissed, ripping the covers off of you. "Wahh! Venom!" You yelled, covering yourself up with your arms. Venom snickered and preyed upon you, inching closer to you. "You jerk!" You hissed, sticking your tongue out. Venom chuckled and grew serious. "You know we are here if you ever need us." He said, causing you to freeze. "Huh? What?" "We are here to help. We are Venom, we are friends." Venom blushed, looking down at his hands. "Ugh...wh-where did this all suddenly come from?" You asked. "Nowhere really..." Venom got up and threw your covers back on you. "Sleep well, (Y/n)." He said, crawling into bed, trying to act like nothing happened. You starred at him, realizing you hurt Venom's feelings. Venom might act all big and bad, but deep down, he just wants loved sometimes. You pushed your covers off the bed, and felt super cold, letting your teeth start to chatter. Venom heard the sound and shot up, alarmed. He saw you, cold in bed with your chattering teeth, looking a little pale. "(Y/n)?" Venom walked over to you and you gave him a weak smile, playing your role as a cold girl, which you were. "V-V-Venom...I'm c-cold..." You said with your teeth still chattering. Venom looked down at you and tilted his head. "Are you really?" He looked at the sheets thrown onto the ground, deliberately. "Y-yes..." You said, feeling yourself grow numb in your toes. "Hmm...fine." Venom pulled the sheets off the floor and picked your up with his one hand. "Gah! Venom!" You were shocked in how strong he was. You knew he was strong, but not this strong. Sure, he could punch a car and send it clear on the other side of the street, but not strong enough to hold you in his one arm. Venom pulled the covers half way and got on the bed, sitting on it. He set you down and you blushed, still trying to come back after him using his brute strength. "Here, in order to keep you warm, just lay down." Venom said, pointing to your pillow. "What are you going to do?" You asked, scared. "Shut up and lay down." He growled, not putting up with your crap. You put your head on your pillow, sweating all over it. Looks like being cold wasn't a problem for you anymore. Venom blushed, laying down, behind you. This was way out of Venom's usual self, you wonder what came over him. He wrapped his arm around you, holding you close. "Not a word to Eddie, ok?" He whispered into your ear, making you shudder. "Agreed." You said with dry lips. Venom let himself crawl down your leg, past your knees, to your feet. He was wrapping you in him for warmth. You never knew Venom was so warm, no wonder why Eddie can become over heated sometimes when he sleeps. Venom must sometimes overheat Eddie to get him out of bed, so he can feed him. You smiled, feeling very warm and safe, almost to safe. You made a cute little noise, which Venom chuckled at. "How cute." He brought you in closer to him, just enough that you were all the way against him. He was still towering over you, which you didn't mind now. Your back was against Venom's body, feeling so warm and cozy. You unintentionally rolled over, facing towards Venom, closing your eyes. Venom's eyes shot open, and his cheeks burned red. "Gugh! (Y/n)!" He hesitated to poke you, but a soft snore told him to not. He snickered in disbelief. (Unbelievable, she falls asleep faster than anyone I know...) Venom wrapped his hand behind your head and put his against yours. (Goodnight...sleep well...please do.)

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