All endings have costs

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Venom nodded and repositioned Eddie to sit on a chair. "I you and her bonded rather fast." "Time didn't allow for anything else." Vanquish explained, repositioning your head better on the pillow. Venom and Vanquish looked back at each other and met each other's eyes. They both hissed at one another and you started to cough, tossing over in your sleep. "(Y/n)?" Venom questioned. "Just as I thought, she will have a fever, like you and your host I assume." Venom stuck his tongue out and growled. "Do not take such harshness to my words, I do not mean to anger you." Venom growled and Vanquish slid over to you, pulling the covers up to your neck. Venom saw that Vanquish could be kind, however, he didn't trust him the slightest and Vanquish knew that. Venom rested on Eddie's shoulder, groaning. "We are tired." "Perhaps you should rest, I will watch them." Venom shot up, growling. "No way in hell." Vanquish snickered and stuck his tongue out. "Just a suggestion." He teased. "You take your suggestion and shove it up your-" "-Do keep in mind, she is my host." Venom stopped and held his tongue, knowing what Vanquish was implying. Vanquish grinned and slurped his tongue back in his mouth. "Heheh, I am only joking. She is a nice host, very few see things my way. I like her." Venom's eyes grew wide and he forced Eddie to transform and he stormed over to Vanquish, grabbing him by the face. "Listen here you little shit, you better not hurt her." Vanquish grinned and chuckled. "You have feelings for her...don't you?" Venom cringed and let Vanquish go. "Sh-shut up, we're just friends..." He stated. "Oh? Is that so? Venom, I can feel other's feelings, in and outside of a host. That is one of my abilities out of many, aside from my immunity to chemicals. But I am getting side tracked here, my point is you have feelings for her..." He paused and let Venom revert back to Eddie. "Bastard." He growled, rising out of Eddie's shoulder. He set Eddie down and lowered his head, ashamed. Vanquish raised his head and made a gurgling noise, indicating he was curious. "Am I wrong?" Venom gave him a very low growl and Vanquish backed down. "Fine...who knows...she might have feelings for you..." Venom perked up and shot over to Vanquish. "God damn you..." Venom muttered. "Hmph! I won't tell you, even if you want to know, in respects to my host." Venom shot back to Eddie and sighed, resting on his shoulder. "You don't give a damn about (Y/n) like me and Eddie do." Vanquish stayed silent and Venom returned to Eddie's body, sleeping. Vanquish reached himself over to Eddie and Venom and licked his lips. He glanced over at you and remembered what you said to him. ("I may be your host and you might be able to control me, but you have pride, right? Betray me and I will make sure that your honor and pride collapse with me, understood? My friends will hold me and you to that, either way, you will die if you cross me...") Vanquish looked at Eddie's rich flesh and groaned, knowing better than to try and eat him. "Damn you..."


The next morning was nothing out of the ordinary...well...kind of. Eddie was making coffee and Venom stuck his tongue out. "Gross, Eddie." Eddie rolled his eyes and sighed. "Some of us actually like coffee, Venom." Eddie said. "Even so..." Venom said. You were getting over your fever, since you experienced most of it last night. Vanquish was watching you drink your coffee, not understanding how you liked it. "Its disgusting." Vanquish said. You rolled your eyes and sighed. "Some of us actually like coffee, deal with it, Vanquish." Vanquish shook his head and didn't understand why. "Is it a thing that symbiote's hate coffee?" Eddie asked aloud. "Who knows?" You giggled. Venom snickered and shook his head. "Not all symbiotes hate coffee." "At least, that is what we assume." Vanquish added. Eddie took his coffee and sipped some out of the cup, sending chills down Venom's spine. "Ugh! Vulgar!" He stuck his tongue out and Eddie rolled his eyes. "Vanquish, is Daniel dead?" You asked him. Vanquish blinked twice and moaned. " be honest, we don't know. It is not natural for us to know. He could have possibly lived." He answered. Eddie sat next to you on the couch and rubbed his neck, setting his coffee down. "Venom, did you see if Daniel died?" Eddie asked. Venom tilted his head and smiled. "We are sure he is dead, not even a symbiote could survive in that fire." He said. "Woah! Yet you managed to survive in the fire!? That's amazing Venom!" You smiled. Venom chuckled and blushed. "Please, you're our friend, we couldn't let you die there." Vanquish rested his head on your shoulder and you laughed, scratching him under his chin. He started to purr and then pulled back, realizing what he was doing. "H-hey!?" Vanquish growled, barring his fangs. "What? Did you like it?" You teased him. "N-no!" He screamed, resting on your shoulder again. "But if you insist on your form of torture...continue..." Vanquish blushed and you giggled, scratching him under his chin. Vanquish started to purr very loudly, with his eyes closed and head arched forward, making sure to get the best out of this. Venom growled in envy and Eddie looked over to him. "You want it to?" Eddie asked. Venom shook his head and barred his fangs. "No, we don't." Eddie chuckled and you stopped. "What now?" You asked. "It would be in our best interest to stay low and avoid anything that would bring immediate attention to us." Vanquish said. "Agreed, as much as I hate to say that." Venom said. "Ok, so we'll just hang around here then." Eddie said. "Tsk, tsk, fool. If Daniel managed to escape and live, we need to come up with another course of action." Vanquish growled. "Vanquish is right, if his men do end up finding us, we need another place to stay." You said. "But where? It's not like I'm made of money, (Y/n)." Eddie sighed, crossing his arms. "Yeah...somewhere to stay...!" You gasped, cupping your mouth. Vanquish's eyes grew wide and he shook his head. "Why did you have to think of that?" He groaned. "What!?" Eddie and Venom asked at the same time. "Mr. Lee! He could be in danger!" You screamed. Eddie held his head, realizing that all of you had forgotten about Mr. Lee completely. "Shit, I totally forgot about him!" He growled, ashamed of himself. "The old man could very well be in danger!" Venom growled, lifting Eddie up to his feet. "This is bad..." You mumbled. "No time to waste! Come on!" Eddie grabbed your hand and ran with you, not even caring if he showed Venom to the world.

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