Two sides of one coin

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The van rocked side to side, trying to stay upright on this bumpy road. Greg looked down at his watch and sighed, putting his sleeve down. "We'll barley meet the dead line." He frowned. You glanced over at him, but quickly looked away. You didn't want to feel any more uncomfortable than you were, not to mention you were being kidnapped. Even so, you knew better than to bring attention to yourself. You fiddled with your thumbs, crisscrossing them over one another. Greg muttered to himself, something about how his boss was not going to be pleased with him. You twisted your heel against the steel floor, looking at your (F/c) Nike shoes. Thank god you didn't wear high heels, in case you needed to run. However, you could barely keep your balance in the first place. Greg sighed heavily, leaning against the wall, crossing his arms. You glanced up at him, his beady eyes were shooting right through you. You would have looked down, but you froze with your eyes were locked on him. "Heh! Got nothing better to look at?" He asked, smirking. "Please, don't flatter yourself." You hissed. "I'm not, I'm merely saying." He said, sounding like he was implying something. You looked away and waited even longer, this was going to be a long, long day. You leaned on your hands, hoping Eddie and Venom were ok. You thought about Eddie and Venom being upstairs, did Greg see them? If so, is he taking you away, so you can't see? You wanted nothing more than to have this guys head ripped off his body. Just thinking about it made you grin in pleasure, but Greg's glare told you to keep calm. You groaned and sat up straight, wanting this to end. "Who is your boss anyway?" You boldly asked. Greg raised his eyebrow and leaned in setting his head on his hands. "Why would you like to know?" He grinned. You raised your fist and took a hard swing to his face, knocking him off the seat. "Dick." You growled, watching him struggle to get back up. He growled, managing to get back into his seat. His slicked brown hair was all messed up, hanging down in his face. Greg pushed his jaw back into place and slicked his hair back down. "Hmm, powerful swing." He commented. "I can hit harder." You warned. "I doubt it." You glared at him and leaned closer to him. "Want to find out?" You challenged. "No thank you, I am supposed to keep you and myself presentable." He said, cleaning his glasses. His eyes were a bright lime green, which was very unusual for any human to have. You looked to your side and waited to arrive at wherever you were going. You rolled your fingers on your leg, growing very, very impatient. "Relax." Greg said, noticing your anxiety. You ignored him and grinded your teeth together. "We will be there soon...or right now." The van suddenly stopped, and you slid over on the seat, catching your yourself before you fell off. Greg got up and opened the door, showing a dark room. "Here, go inside." He said, pretending to be a gentleman. "No thanks, I'm quite comfortable here." You hissed through your teeth. "I believe you don't have a choice." "And I believe you're a D-bag." You said, getting out of the van. You hopped down and waited, not knowing what to expect in this room. It was pitch black, you couldn't see. The last thing you needed was to be shot at and killed by something in the dark, so it was better to stay put. Greg hopped out of the van and smiled. "Come, we mustn't keep him waiting." He led the way and you rolled your eyes. "I can think of a lot of reasons why we should let him wait." You added. "Do try to keep up." Greg said, with you right behind him. You growled, biting your tongue and pressing on with him. It seemed like this darkness never ended, you were lucky to still see Greg in front of you. You bumped into Greg when he suddenly stopped, and he sighed. "Just do as I say and keep quiet." You heard the clank of a door knob turning and he opened a door to a bright room. You were blinded by the lights, squinting your eyes at the intense rays. "Come on." Greg pulled you in by the arm and flung you forward, throwing you into the ground. The door slammed shut and you held your head, growling. "Fucker." You snapped. "Hello." You turned to a man sitting at a desk, his hands folded. He looked young compared to Greg, maybe in his early thirties at the most. He had black hair, combed back and he had fair skin, almost glowing. He had dark black eyes that held an endless abyss within. You crossed your arms and spit on the floor, glaring at him. "So, I have you to thank for that joy ride?" You asked. He smirked, closing his eyes and leaning back on his chair. "Hmm...I do apologize for my agent's misbehavior." You glanced at Greg and looked back at him. "That's a little farfetched." He opened his eyes and nodded. "Of course..." He trailed off, holding his chin. "We're getting off track here. My name is Daniel Herring, I am the mask behind the agents." He explained. "Why do you want me?" You asked. Daniel lost his comforting expression and became serious. He leaned forward on his desk, scanning over you. "You are (Y/n), correct? If now say something or forever hold your peace." "I'd rather hold my peace than answer to you." You spat. "I see, the feisty type, are we? Never the less, I'll get you to crack." "What are you talking about?" You asked, clearly not giving a damn. "I know you like the back of my hand. I guess you could say I am your guardian angel." You scoffed and uncrossed your arms, putting your hands on your hips. "Look here, I have known many people and things that I would consider a guardian angel, but you are not one of them." You hissed. "In time, in time...perhaps." He suggested. "You're barking up the wrong tree." You said. "I'm afraid I'm not. Now, listen well, I will only say this once. You are the child of Mr. (L/n) and Mrs. (L/n), am I wrong?" He snickered and put his hands back behind his head. "You don't need to answer, by the expression on your face, I can tell." Your eyes shook in place and you mouth propped open in shock. (How...the hell does this guy know me and my parents?) "Both of your parents were workers here." He went on. "That's impossible, my parents were poor." You said, calling his bluff. "Oh, your parents never told you, did they? My, my, you must have been one protected child." Daniel said, giggling. "You got five seconds to explain before I rip that grin off your face, with your skin still intact." You threatened throwing your hand around. "Hmph! Fine, but I was already planning to. Well then, let us begin." He grinned evilly.


Eddie was sitting at the table upstairs, rolling his fingers on the wooden surface. Eddie could feel Venom swishing around inside of his body, trying to keep himself occupied. "Venom, could you please stop moving? You're making me feel sick." Venom stopped, and Eddie felt a huge weight pull down on his body. <No, we are waiting to go save (Y/n). This is how we will wait.> Eddie groaned, pulling his hair back. "Ugh...Venom..." <No Eddie.> Venom started up again and Eddie felt sick, resting his pale face down on the counter. Mr. Lee walked in and saw Eddie, looking sick and ready to hurl. "Eddie, do you need something?" "I need a certain parasite to stop moving inside of me." Eddie responded. <Parasite!?> Venom came out of Eddie's body and growled at him, exposing his massive fangs. Eddie didn't have the energy to fight back, more or less back up his words. Venom relaxed, sighing, and rested his head on Eddie's. "I am sorry...I just worry for her." Venom said. "Me to Venom, me to." Eddie stroked Venom's head and Venom pulled back, not in the mood for it. Mr. Lee frowned and walked over to his coffee pot, brewing some more coffee. "Would you like some coffee?" "No thank you Mr. Lee." Eddie said, exhaling. "Do you have chocolate?" Venom piped up. Eddie glared at him and frowned. "No, you don't need chocolate." Eddie said. "Yes, we do, we are hungry." "Do you always have to make us eat junk food? At this rate, I'm going to be fat." Eddie whined. "You will not, I will make sure of it." Eddie fell silent for a minute. "That's reassuring." He stated. Venom rolled his eyes and extended over to Mr. Lee. "Old man, do you have chocolate?" He asked. "Venom, use your manners if you're going to beg." Eddie said, lifting his head up. "I am not begging!" Venom hissed. "Oh boy, you two are quite the pair! Just like you and (Y/n), Eddie." Venom tilted his head and Eddie paid attention. "I remember it to, (Y/n) would always keep you in line." Eddie chuckled, stretching out. "Heh! I think you might be stretching that comment." He exhaled and settled down, causing Venom to stare at him, curious. "What do you mean?" He asked. "(Y/n) was very aggressive when we were kids, almost like she was a boy. I didn't mind it though, but never tell her that, otherwise she'll never stop doing it." Eddie sighed. "Hmm...she is like us?" "Huh?" Eddie got up and walked over to Mr. Lee, taking a coffee cup out of the cabinet. "Like us?" Eddie questioned. "Like Venom?" Venom asked. Eddie thought about it for a minute and snickered, in disbelief. "Heh! In a way that girl was like you, that's for sure. She wouldn't think twice about giving me a black eye or punching me." "We don't think about that." Venom protested. "Yeah, I know, but I'm saying she is crazy like you." Venom fell silent, thinking to himself about you. ( and her?) Venom was lost deep in thought. Eddie rolled his eyes and pushed the cup over to Mr. Lee. Mr. Lee smirked and poured Eddie some coffee. "I thought you said you didn't want any." "I don't, but I need to keep awake until dark." Eddie explained. Mr. Lee slid the cup back over to Eddie, smiling. "There you go." "Thanks." Eddie loved the smell of Mr. Lee's coffee. It had a vibrant taste and a sweet aroma, it was like heaven to Eddie. In fact, you weren't to shabby with making Mr. Lee's coffee yourself. Eddie loved when you used to make him coffee, even though he was a kid and shouldn't have drank it all the time. Eddie sniffed the coffee bean smell and exhaled, gently blowing on it. Venom gave Eddie a confused look and Eddie glanced over at him. "Yes?" Eddie asked, taking a sip of his coffee. "Foul, that is all I have to say." Venom growled. "Whatever, my tongue, my body." Eddie shrugged. "Our body, Eddie. You still don't seem to understand that." Venom said. Eddie paused and took his lips off the coffee cup. "I do, I just decline to say it." Venom made himself taller than Eddie and he growled. "And why is that?" Venom challenged, with anger bobbing in his throat. "To be completely honest, its to see you get pissed off." Eddie smiled. "Bastard." Venom said, unamused, lowering himself down to Eddie's height. "You two are too much for this old man. I'm going to go down stairs before I start laughing to hard." Mr. Lee chuckled, walking downstairs. "Trust us old man, you don't even know the half of it." Venom grinned. "Venom, his name is Mr. Lee." Eddie sighed. "I prefer the name, old man." Venom smiled. "So, I've gathered." Eddie took a slip of coffee and Venom went back into Eddie's body. <When it hits dark-> "-Yes, Venom, we will go after her." Eddie groaned, sitting down at the table. <You care for her as much as I do, why are you not acting?> Venom asked. "Venom, slow and steady wins the race. Like it or not, we'll cause more trouble for her if we go right now. Plus, we don't even know if these guys are after you. If we show them what you can do and what you are, they'll keep (Y/n) as a hostage for sure." Venom sighed and waited for night to fall.

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