_- I Guess it's Time...? -_

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A/N:  Guys , I'm so sorry for not publishing for a week......Also last week was are project making , so I trying my best to focus on it... sorry for making you all wait! I'm also excited about your reactions! I'm really happy you all understand me!! :) so peace out and have fun reading~!!!

Izuka: M...my 'Quirk' is umm.... i...is..

Bakugou: ( She's gonna say her quirk!! ..... wait why am I so excited about thi- )

Todoroki: Bakugou what are you doing?

Bakugou: ... ( That voice..... is somehow familiar and ..... it is pissing me off!!! ) *turns and looks*

Todoroki: ...What?...

Bakugou: WHAT THE FU- ?!???! 

Todoroki: *Covers Bakugou's mouth*   Shhh....  Whispers: You don't want them to hear it , do you...?

Izuka: ... (What...was that?? I swear heard somethi-) 

Aizawa: Izuka?

Izuka: A...ah..hahahhahahh! n..nothing Aizawa-sensei!! I...I was just daydreaming! That's all!

Aizawa: Is that so ?? Then can you answer my question now??

Izuka: ... ( So... I can't escape huh? ) W..well.. my 'Quirk' is  "FlameTation".

A/N: I know .... I know.. the name sucks but just bear with it...

Aizawa: Oh.... So the name comes from Levitation that you levitate things?? ,and The Flames ( Smoke??) That came out of your mouth??

Izuka: Ah! Yes..! That's right! ( As expected of our sensei! )

TodoBaku: (So...that is her 'Quirk' ??)

Bakugou: Wow.... That is... ( I never knew there could be such 'Quirk' like that... I mean Levitation and Flames?! What the hell! that's just strong.....Stronger than mine...)

Todoroki: ....

Todoroki's Pov: I was just walking to see if Midoriya was still talking to Aizawa-sensei...but.. I saw Bakugou eavesdropping on them.. So.. I was actually asking Bakugou what he was doing.. for some reason he seemed to be triggered when he heard my voice... I mean , it was written all of his face.... I can also sense that he was pissed.... Than he suddenly yell but luckily I was able to cover his mouth on time...but I think Midoriya heard it or Aizawa-sensei... but somehow no one came out so we're both safe.... But in the end ... I was also eavesdropping like Bakugou did... So , I just followed him? Or what so ever...... After hearing Midoriya's 'Quirk'  I was in a shock but also speechless... I can only talk in my mind but my mouth won't open.... But I'm surprised Bakugou can talk comfortably...But to tell the truth....Bakugou's face is also in great shock....So....He never heard of Midoriya's Quirk?? I can see he is also pissed like earlier.....

Aizawa: So ,  you can go now....

Izuka: Yes sure , also thank you for listening  *bows and about to leave*

Aizawa: ( As expected of my innocent student... ) 

On TodoBaku's side

Bakugou: Sh*t , they are going out!

Todoroki: I will go there and you go there!

Bakugou: Don't you command m- 

*Both of them run as possible*

Izuka: Huh? I swear , I heard a voice...........oh well~!

*Walks cutely ,and also humming*

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