°~||Who saved me?||~°

972 24 28

A/N: I'm really sorry!!  I'm being lazy again TvT

At the police station;

Clownie: Brrr...  I feel like someone is looking right through me!

Police: Shut up Clown stuff!

Clownie: Sorry...

At the hospital;

Inko: Thank goodness your okay Izuka..

Izuka: *giggles*  It's okay now mom!  I'm completely okay now!! 

Inko: No!  Don't say that!  Take proper care of yourself next time!

Izuka: Mom...  Geez..

Aizawa: Take a lot of rest..  Okay?

Izuka: Yes sir! (Well..  This is a first. ;-;)

Aizawa: Good...

Doctor: *Knocks 3x and Goes inside*
Excuse me? Am I interrupting something??

Inko: Oh, Doctor!! No!!  Please come in!!

Doc: Oh,  thanks...  So Izuka since we don't really seem to find something bad in your bod.. For today your completely healthy!! So.. You can go home tomorrow morning.

Izuka: Really?!!

Doc: Yes...

Everyone: *Cheering exept Todoroki and Bakugou*

Inko: *Hugs Izuka*  Thank God!! That's good right Izuka???

Izuka: It is a great news!!

doc: Now I shall take my leave..

Inko: Thank you Doc!!

Doc: Any time..  *Leaves*

Recovery Girl: Well... We all need to go back to school!!

Aizawa: Oh, Of course..

Todoroki: Take care of yourself Midoriya..

Izuka: Of course!!  And also take care of yourselves too!!

Todoroki: yeah..

Bakugou: ... Hmph..

Izuka: hehehe...  ( ... M.. Maybe he is mad..  😓 )

Izuka: hmm..  (🤔😯!!)

Inko: What's wrong dear? *Worried*

Izuka: Now that I think about it...  Who saved me?  Wasn't I kidnapped or something? *Muttering*  No..  What if it was.....  And...  Oh..  Wait maybe..  It was...  Something like.... But..  If... Umm..  Hmm..

Bakugou: *Blushed and Embarrassed*

Todoroki: 😳


Izuka: (' • ̀ω•́ )و  (Maybe.. I shouldn't have asked...  (?) this is so embarrassing!! I muttered again TvT...  And Why is it so silent??)

Bakugou: I.. it was---

All Might: O... OH!  LOOK AT THE TIME!!  We need to go back to school!! (Yeah...  There both embarrassed)

Bakugou: ... ( You saved our b*tts there All might...)

Todoroki: ...

Izuka: Ah!  Yes..  I'm so sorry to make you stay for so long..  And sorry for making you guys worry..

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