v:|Here we Come Izuka|:v

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A/N: Here it is guys!! hehehe! sorry for the wait~ !!!!

Clownie: I wonder what reaction they will use!!! HOHOHOHOHOHO!!! 


Izuka: .... ( So that's...what their planning... )

Boss (??): ( I wonder when will Master arrive... )

On The "Gangs" side  ( I will call them a gang for now :) )

Todoroki: Guys! Let's split up! 

Sero: Eh? Why?

Kaminari: Yeah!

Todoroki: If we all stick together... Might be n big trouble... ( If one of us will get kidnapped... It won't be a bother.... )

Bakugou: ... 

Kirishima: His actually right...

Sero: But...

Kaminari: O...okay I trust you on this..

Sero: ( Eh?! ) But i'll be dangerous!!

Todoroki: I know.. but... We really need to split up... or else... we're dead meat..

Sero:  *Sigh* ... Fine.. 

Todoroki: So me and Bakugou, will be partners and we will go this way, so Kaminari, Kirishima and Sero... you will go that way.

Kirishima: Roger that!

Todoroki: But you guys need to be careful..

Kaminari: Same goes to you both!

Sero: Okay! Then let's go!!!

A/n: Now they splitted up.... Now what's gonna happen? You ask...... But we will find out!


Name: Bakugou Katsuki  ( Nickname: Kacchan  by: Izuka )

Hero name: Unknown ( But it was said that it was "Ground Zero"  )

Quirk: Explosion

Likes: Spicy Foods

Birthday: April 20

Age: 16

Height: 172 cm

Gender: Male

Blood type: A


Name:Todoroki Shouto

Hero Name: Shouto

Quirk: Half-Cold  Half-Hot

Likes: Soba

Birthday: January 11

Age: 16

Height: 176 cm

Gender: Male

Blood Type: O 

On Kirishima's Group:

Kirishima's Group: *Fighting*

Kirishima: ( Damn... They are stronger than I thought! )

Kaminari: ( My... electri- ) *Got hit at the back*  Oww!

Sero: Kaminari!! *Uses Tape*  

Guard: Argh!


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