Chapter 1

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Raven's Pov:

I look down at the black clothes I wear. I know I shouldn't be nervous, my perants say they already know what my result will be, but I can't help it.

My older brother, Mason, says it's no big deal, it's easy. He couldn't tell me any more, because that would count as training me. I'm sure I'll do fine, I just don't know what I want the test to tell me. Do I what to be brave, selfless, kind, honest, or intelligent?

"Is something on your mind Raven?" I hear a voice next to me.

"Oh, it's nothing Dean." I say, looking at the boy next to me. His name is Dean, if you havent guessed. He's been my friend since I was about two. My dad says Dean's dad has been friends with my dad for years. Dean's dad's name is Zeke.

"Are you nervous?" Dean asks in a teasing way, as if he isn't.

"No!" I snap, "Me? Nervous? Do you remember who my perants are?"

"Yes Rave-"

"Four and Tris! Dauntless legends! Both ranked first in there initiation! Did you really have to ask?"

Dean rolls his eyes, "Whatever Raven."

I just smirk and go back to thinking, I mean what are we Candor? Who needs to talk about their feelings? We're Dauntless aren't we? Feelings? Really, Dean?

I start running when I see the train. Dean runs behind me, along with the rest of our friends, Grey, Jackson, and Mazy. They are all the kids of my perants' friends. I think that's because my family doesn't really trust anyone else. My perants have trust issues.

I don't blame them. My grandma did keep the secret of her not coming from outside of the city, and my uncle Caleb did betray our family, and most of all my mother. Oh, and my other grandma, and all of the Abnegation people did lie to my father about his mother being dead. I could go on, but I won't.

When I reach the door, since I am the first to reach the train I open the door. I jump and land perfectly in the train, about an inch from the edge. I walk to the other side of the car and sit down. It'll be another twenty minutes until we reach the school. All I can do is wait, I just hope no one tries to talk about feelings again.


A/N:Sorry this chapter is so short. I hope you like what I have so far. This will be mainly in Raven's POV but there will be a bit in Dean's POV. If you don't understand the charicters you might want to either read the chapter over or read the intro again. I am planning on only dedicating any of these chapters to people I think wrote really good divergent fanfics, so if you are looking for one check some of these people out. Thank you for reading!

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