Chapter 6

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Dean's POV:

It's the next morning. The Dauntless or Candor game went on for about three hours, after, well . . . you know. I still can't stop thinking about  that kiss. It was so perfect, she is so perfect. Wait, I so need to stop thinking like that. It's not like she would ever date me. At least I got the one kiss. I'm glad Jake knows how to stick with a plan.

I wish he would have made it less obvious. I mean she already suspected something, since she saw us talking, and of course when I came out from my apptitude test.

Today is the choosing ceremony. I'm nervous she won't choose dauntless. What if she doesn't? Why am I thinking so wierd? I'm not a stalker! I not!

Ok, so back to the choosing ceremony! We are on our way there now, with all the sixteen year old Dauntless people and their families.

"Dean, you ok?" Raven asks, looking a bit awkward at talking to me.

"Oh yeah sorry. Just thinking," I say realising I was staring at her.

When we get to the choosing ceremony I sit down, and listen to a speach by Raven's mom, Tris Eaton (because her and Four are married).

We go through a bunch of people I really could care less about, and then . . .

"Raven Eaton."

Tris looks worried as Raven takes the knife from her. Raven stands in between two bowls, Erudite and Dauntless. She leans a bit over the Eurdite bowl and gently touches the knife to her palm. I feel a wave of nervousness, and I can see her mom is feeling the same way.

Raven move her hand to the Dauntless bowl, and her blood sizzles on the Dauntless coals. Tris and I sigh in relief at just about the same time.

After that nothing really interesting happens, until this girl gets called up.

"Katie Prior." Tris says a bit confused.

Wait, isn't that Tris's maiden name? She's an Erudite. She can't be related to Tris, Tris came fro Abnegation.

Katie walks up to the bowls. She walks to the same spot as Raven, and puts her hand over the Dauntless bowl, and thick red blood drips onto the coals.

Raven's POV:

After the choosing ceremony we do the same thing as always, but we get off the train in a different place. It's a rooftop. On the ledge stands one of the leaders, Peter.

"Initiates! Shut up and listen!" He shouts, "I'll just get to the point. If you want to get into the compound you need to jump. Who's first?"

No one speaks, and they all just look around at eachother.

I sigh, "Ok, move it people," I yell pushing my way through.

When I get to the edge Peter wispers the word "Stiff."

"You know I wouldn't be talking, considering your son's name is the color they wear," I say, and then add "no offense Grey!"

Peter's eyes go wide, but then he glares st me, and says "Just jump."

I return his glare and jump before I give myself a chance to look down. As I fall I spread out my arms, because it feels like flying. I smile and hit something below me. After a second of panic I realize it's a net, wow Raven, Smooooooth.

After everyone jumps, the transfers and Dauntlessborns seperate, and The Dauntlessborns start training. 


A/N: I hope you like it! BTW Katie is Caleb and Cara's daughter. She will be introduced more later, but that's all for now.  I'm glad I have over 40 reads in only two days of it being up, so thank you for reading. Please remember to comment and vote! Enjoy!

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