Chapter 5

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Dean's POV:

Raven didn't come back after her test. She got sick. I hope she can still make it to the party. I have a plan with Jake. You'll see.

It's only a few minutes from the party, and I'm already at Mason's house. The only people we are waiting for are Raven an Mazy. I'm sure Mazy had to give Raven a makeover, because Mazy is never happy with an outfit uless she picked it out.

Raven's POV:

I reach my brother's apartmaent with Mazy next to me. Mazy is the fashanista of the group, like her mom, Cristina was. For these parties I'm the only one that she can pick out an outfit for, because she likes dresses and well, I never turn down a dare.

I knock on the door, and Mason comes to the door.

"Oh look who finally showed up," He says in his most arrogent voice.

"Oh shut up, you idiot," I yell pushing my way in, " Come on, lets start!"

"Ok, I go first. It's my aparment," Mason yells, when he says that I look around the circle and notice dean staring at me. When he sees me look at him he looks away.

"Jake, dauntless or Candor." Mason asks.

"Duh, Dauntless,"Jake answers.

"I dare you to . . . " He thinks for awhile, " to go and ask out the first person you see and if they say yes, slap them, if they say no, hug them, say something stupid, and run away"

"Uh, where the heck did you come up with that?" I ask.

"I'll do it," Jake says like he is voleteering to go to the outside of the fence.

I roll my eyes and our friend Grey offers to watch him. They walk away.

They come back and grey is laughing his head off.

"He had to ask July," He says showing us the video. July is the me girl of our age. When she says "No way, loser." My brother hugs her, and she looks confused, and then he says " I like dauntless cake," and runs away.

We all laugh, and someone says "She was so mad, and who doesn't like dauntless cake."

"Ok lets continue the game," Dean says looking nervous.

"Raven, dauntless or candor," Jake says glancing at dean.

"Is that even a question, duh, dauntles," I say.

"I dare you to . . .  kiss Dean!" He says.

I hesitate and look down at my dress.

I stand up, and walk over to Dean. He stands up.

The next five seconds are a blur, but the next thing I know I'm kissing Dean. I'm not sure how long I kiss him, but we don't break apart until some one fake coughs.

"Uh . . . that was awkward," Dean's cousin, Muffin (Gail) says.

I look at the floor and Dean says " Let's continue."


Did I really like that kiss!?! I can't like Dean he's my best friend! Wait, can I?


A/N: Thanks for reading! I hope you like it. I really just want this chapter so Dean and Raven could kiss,but I think it was a good way to first introduce July with making her a main charicter like Peter kind of was. Please remember to vote and comment! I will have the choosing ceremony in the next chapter. I'm thinking in Dean's POV. What do you think? Well, Enjoy!

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