Chapter 2

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Raven's Pov:

I continue to just sit there for about ten minutes. After those ten minutes of course Dean comes up to me.

"What do you want?" I ask, still sort of annoyed.

"What makes you think I want something?" He asks.

"Well . . . do you?" I only partially ask, because I know he does.

"Yes," He mutters, and kind of fake pouts.

"OK,so WHAT. DO. YOU. WANT!?!" I half ask, half yell.

"Ok, ok. If- I mean when, you choose Dauntless, I and the rest of us," He says pointing to the rest of our friends, " are going together to get tatoos, are you coming?"

"First, what makes you so sure I'm going to choose Dauntless. What If I get a different result on my apptitude test?" I ask.

"Hmmm, let me think,"He say sarcasticly and then pauses for less than half a second, "You're about as nice as Lynn and Peter combined, You complain about taking in things that you bought, do you really think you could survive in Abnegation, oh, and you are about as honest as an Erudite that just broke the rules."

I glare at him, " What about Erudite?"

"Ok so that's a possibility, but really? Now can you answer the dang question?"

"Fine! Yes I'll go! Happy!?! No need to intarigate me!" I finally answer.

Just as he looks like he is going ask me another stupid question I spot the school.

"Hey, Dean I see the school lets get ready to jump!" I say as fast as I can, so He doesn't have the time to ask his question.

"Ok, thanks," He says,and looks down, which tells me, that for sure he had something to ask or tell me.

After about ten minutes, everyone is offthe train (except that weird ten year old with an afro, that fell asleep on the train, and no one bothered to wak him up.), and we are about to head to our classes.

Of course Dean finally found some one else to talk to, and is trading gossip with a guy, who looks oddly familair, wait is that Jake!?! Sure enough, Dean is standing in the faction history hallway, talking to my little brother Jake!

All I can do is ignore it and walk to my classes.



A/N: Thank you for reading. I hope you like it so far. This is my second update today, so I hope it doesn't bother you that this is so short. I am planning on having the next update in Dean's POV. How do you guys like Dean so far? He will be explained more in the next update, when it's in his POV. Please remember to comment and vote. If you have anything you want  me to hea for sure be sure to message me! Thanks again. Enjoy!

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