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Eva walked into midtown. It was the girls first day. She had a sinister look on her face, it scared the students around her. Well most of them- except Flash Thompson who didn't know when to shut up. He slandered over to the new girl a smirk on his face, "Whats up your ass. I know what could be." He smirked at himself.

She glared, he thought she was going to kill him for a second. The girl pushed him against a locker, holding him up above ground grabbing the attention of students. This was no way to start a first day of school. The girl leant close to his ear and decided to whisper, "I will cut out your spleen, you can live without one, ask me how I know that?"

He looked scared of the girl who was holding him up, how was she even that strong. "Mrs Jones!" The principal called, the girl stepped back glaring at him still. Shivers went down his spine at her expression. The girl turned her attention to the principal walking over to him. "Come on, lets go to my office."

She glared one more time to Flash, then continued following the man. People stared at her looking her up and down, she glared at them as well. Eva was not a nice girl, she was a bitchy little shit if she was brutally honest. The girl was sat in the principals office for about an hour before she was allowed to go to her first lesson. Biology, she was unsure how on earth she got into Midtown, she was stupid compared to the other kids, she was street smart, observant and rude.

The girl walked in the room a sour look on her face, "Evangeline Jones!" The teacher spoke rather enthusiastically.

"What?" She asked, the teacher gave her a look.

"That's no way to talk to a teacher." The woman explained.

Eva scowled at her, "What do you want." The woman had a look of shock on her face, Eva was being tremendously rude.

"Because it is your first day I am willing to be lenient assuming you do not know mid town high schools rules, now got and sit next to Peter Parker." The woman said looking annoyed, the principal had asked her to be lenient to the girl, as her guardian has 'Anger issues and is an alcoholic.' "Peter raise your hand."

A boy at the back of the class raised his hand, the girl walked over to him and took a seat. Peter noticed her outfit, it was not something most girls would wear. She had dark blue ripped high waisted jeans, black knee high boots, and a long sleeved plain black top. She did not scream high fashion at all, especially compared to Betty Brant, Liz Allen or Cindy Moon. Her black/ brown hair cascaded down, it was wavy and Peter noted it looked silky. Her skin was very clear, and he could tell she wasn't wearing makeup.

She slid in the seat next to him, "Hi." He smiled slightly, Peter was shy awkward and quite, but he was also friendly, nice and kind.

She looked to the side, looking him up and down. "Hi." She replied.

"I'm Peter Parker." He smiled, she attempted to smile back but it came out as more of a grimace. She was rude, but not to strangers who were only trying to be nice. "How are you liking midtown so far?"

"It's full of jackasses." She responded, a hurt look flashed through his eyes. She furrowed her eyebrows at him and then rolled her eyes, "Not you, that bastard in the front seat."

"Language! Someone might hear you." He whispered, she let out a small laugh at that- more to the face he made. He looked terrified.

"Language? What are you 10?" She laughed her glared at her slightly.

"Flash Thompson?" He asked changing the subject, "Yeah I saw that commotion in the hall." Usually peter was shy when a pretty girl was near him but if he was honest she wasn't as pretty as Liz. And he loved Liz. Therefor he wasn't that nervous, she seemed to be being nice.

"He's a twat." Eva said, Peter gave her a look with his eyes pleading for her not to say things like that. She rolled her eyes at him again. "What is he your friend? Don't want me badmouthing him? Is he your bum buddy Peter?"

Peter looked shocked, disgusted and appalled. Not because he was homophobic but because it was Flash being called his bum buddy, ew. "What no! That's disgusting wh-" Peter started, raising his voice.

"Are you homophobic peter?" She asked, a questioning look on her face.

"What no! Because of Flash! That's no-" Peter started.

"Peter!" The teacher called as Eva stifled a laugh. Eva was good at getting on people's nerves it was a talent of hers.

"Sorry." He mumbled, but glared at Eva. Flash was looking at the pair with an annoyed look on his face, he had no clue what they said about him but he would be finding out at lunch. Well he was going to try.

"Look if you haven't come ou-"

"We're not bum buddy's." He seethed, she smirked at him enjoying the reaction. She had been here a day and already managed to piss of the nicest guy at school.

At lunch the brunette got her food, and began walking to an empty table. She took a seat at the end, and began munching on her food. A few moments later a girl sat on the other end. And about two minutes after that Peter Parker and another guy slid in front of the girl. She gave them a calculating look and looked down to her food- continuing eating it.

The pair in front of her began discussing StarWars, she couldn't help but listen in the conversation. She was entertained, they had been arguing over what order to watch them. After 15 minutes of this the girl decided to cut in. "You watch them in what order they came out, end of."

"Wh- no because we would miss out on the linear effect!" Ned argued.

"But then you miss out on the mystery! You will miss the greatest reveal in move history an-" Peter began to argue, she rolled her eyes at the pair again.

"Why did you say my name Penis Parker?" A voice spoke the girl turned and there stood Flash standing about the group. "In biology."

Eva widened her eyes, "Penis Parker? Did I hear you right Penis?" She was smiling wilding finding this hilarious, Peter scowled at her.

Flash smiled at her thinking she was loving the nickname, "Yeah, that's what I call him."

She laughed even harder, "Oh my god he give you a pet name about your penis!" Flash and Peter both glared at the girl, realising what she was insinuating.

"It's not like that! I'll kick your ass Parker!" Flash started defending.

"Kinky! I'll bet that is not the only thing you will do to him later, am I right flash?" She winked at him, he looked mortified.

"Eva!" Peter shouted irritated.

"Piss off Flash, we were talking it's rude to cut in." She spoke, upon seeing the fearful expression on Peters face. She was still going to tease him over this but she hated flash, especially after what he said this morning.

"Piss off?" He asked disbelief on his face.

"Did I stutter?" He cocked her head to the side, looking at him angered. "Leave Peter alone, god I've been here a day and I can already tell your obsessed."

"Why were you talking about me in biology?" Flash gritted his tears annoyed at what she said and especially the tone she said it in.

"I was asking who that asshole from this morning was, he told me." She explained. Flash glared at them both one more time before leaving back to his table. Once he was gone Eva burst out laughing, the pair of boys looked confused. "He's so possessive!"

"It's not like that he's really mean!" Peter argued.

"Treat em mean keep em keen am i right?" She laughed again, Peter scowled at her and Ned let out a smile.


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