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Peter and Eva walked down the street, they stopped at a sandwich shop and Peter had complained that it wasn't as good as Delmar's, of course she rolled her eyes at him. "do you think your sister will be home?"

"Maybe, I think she went on a bender last night." Eva said honestly, "Or Maybe She was just doing her job. Both?"

"Okay..." Peter spoke. He didn't know what else to say to her. "What do I call her, if she is."

"Jessica." Eva informed him, Peter nodded.

"I always wanted a sister." He explained, with a small grin. Eva raised a brow at him.

"Mines a real bitch." Eva states, Peter gave her a look.

"You can't say stuff like that about people." Peter explained. "It's mean." She rolled her eyes at this boy, she knew him for about a day and Eva already could tell he wore his heart on his sleeve.

"She can take it." Eva said.

"She shouldn't have to." Peter argued, she rolled her eyes at him. What was he a moral compass?

"Okay peter, whatever you say." Eva spoke, he scowled at the brunette.

"What are we doing at your house? You said you don't have a tv so I do-"

"We're gonna have sex." She spoke looking him directly into his eye. He went red, flustered and started panicking she could see it in his eyes. "It's okay if your a virgin, but that won't last long w-" he stopped walking.

"N- N- I- Can't tha- that's not h-" Peter stuttered, she could tell how nervous he was. She smiled slightly, debating on telling him its a joke.

"It's okay if you don't have a condom, I'm-"

"Th- Eva I do-" Parker began, she smirked at him and laughed. He glared at her.

"You do have a condom? Good!"


"Scream my name like that later, Pete and we wi-"

"I- thin- think th- That i should leave." Peter rushed out ha mouth, she could help but grin slightly.

"I was just messing with you." She explained, he glared and began walking the other way. "Hey where are you going?"

"Home, that wasn't funny it was mean." He replied, she rolled her eyes and caught up with him.

"Peter I'm sorry." She said, with a smile on her face. "I'm sorry, I didn't think you would get so hurt." She added with her hands up. Apologies were not some big thing to the girl, she didn't care about pride and all that shit.

"Your still mean." Peter mumbled, she smiled grabbing his hand and turning him around pulling him in her homes direction.     

"Yeah, I'm a real bitch." She replied, he shook his head at her. Eva realised they were still holding hands so she released there intertwined fingers. Peter blushed. They walked in silence for a few moments, before peter started a conversation.

"Did you move from somewhere? You only just started midtown so where were you from?" He asked as they approached the building.

"Has anyone ever told you that you ask a lot of questions?" Eva questioned Peter.

"I'm just curious." He responded looking down awkwardly as they walked up the stairs to the apartment building.

"I moved away for a while." Eva said cryptically. She didn't want to explain to peter that she left because of a mind controlling stalker was obsessed with her sister.

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