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Eva stood in peters room, the girl was examining his things. "So are we gonna talk or just stand in silence?" Peter asked he had been watching her walk around the room.

"What else can you do?" Eva asked, "Other than your strength." The girl took a seat next to him on his bed.

He bit his lip slightly. "I have these spider senses, an- and these reflexes."

"Reflexes?" She asked with a small smile, Eva was slightly jealous. Her powers didn't come with reflexes.

"Yeah and im more agile, and I can take a hit. I heal faster, and I've made these web shooter things that let me swing from buildings and I can stick my opponents to th-"

"Opponents?" The girl asked furrowing her brows, "Webs- oh god your SpiderMan!" She realised, he sheepishly nodded his head.

"Yeah..." he answered, an idea came up in his mind. "You can help me oh my god! We can be a team and w-"

"Slow down Spidey." She said, he raised a brow at her. "I'm not helping you."

"Why not! Your en-"

"No." She cut him off, he scowled at the girl. "I don't believe in hero's."

"What about the avengers?" Peter replied.

"They only save the world to save themselves." Eva explained although she didn't really believe that. "That's why they fought the aliens, they would have died anyway that was there shot at staying alive, same with Ultron."

He gave her a look of disbelief, "They save people all the time!"

"They save themselves and other people in the process." She said annoyed, "The avengers don't care when it's nothing to do with them, when it won't affect them."

"They just don't know about the problems, the gan-"

"They do." Eva argued, "I know about them, I've seen it on the news, with my eyes. They would rather sit in there tower than help us, unless it's something directly affecting them."

"No!" Peter declared he realised she wasn't willing to argue the matter with him, she looked like she would ignore anything he said. She would. He looked down awkwardly, "What about you? Your powers, gifts, abilities..."

"Well I am very strong." She spoke, "I can heal faster than most people and my body doesn't feel pain often. I do feel pain but it would have to be immense, like a superhuman hitting me or burning myself, breaking bones... also my skin requires more force to cut, bones need a lot more force to break and it's takes a hell of a lot more force to knock me out."

"That's so cool! Your live invincible!"

"Not invincible." She responded, he smiled at her none the less.

"This is amazing!" Peter grinned, the girl smiled slightly back before Aunt May walked into the apartment.

"Peter! I'm home!" She shouted through in a friendly tone, Eva hadn't met anyone's parents before. She didn't really have friends, she was a bitch who kept to herself. Often nice people wouldn't approach her, Peter did.

"Hey Aunt May!" He called standing up and walking towards the exit of his bedroom. He looked back and Eva had a distressed look on her face. "Eva."

She looked up and snapped out of her though, following the boy to the kitchen. "Hi." Eva greeted.

"This is Eva." Peter introduces a proud smile on his face, Eva shook her head at his face. Weirdo.

"A girl?" May said in a disbelieving tone, it was also slightly teasing. "I don't think I have ever seen a girl in this apartment."

Eva smiled at the woman, "May." Peter whined. She grinned at him.

"Well your welcome any time Eva, call me May." She smiled a friendly smile, "Now if I knew you were coming I would have cooked us all something."

"It's fine." Eva replied.

May frowned a bit, "Did Peter tell you I'm a terrible cook? He has a tendency to do that." She said side eyeing him.

Eva laughed slightly, "He did, and I told him cooking is hard. I mean who wants to slave away at a stove when you could go McDonald's for £5."

May smiled at this, "I like her!" She informed Peter who smiled a bit. He thought that was good, but he had never had may meet a girl friend of his, Girl- who's a friend. "We will all go to the Thai place for diner! There I can get to know you better Eva." May said with smile.

"Thankyou bu-"

"No buts!" May called, "Let me go freshen up, then we will go." She smiled walking past the girl patting her on the shoulder.

"I've never seen you so nice to someone." Peter commented looking at the girl, as he walked to the bags of shopping may left on the counter.

"She seems nice." Eva ignored him.

"She is- Aunt May is the best." Peter smiled, she smiled slightly at him. Thinking to the pictures in his room, she didn't want to ask because she already knew the answer of what happened to the rest of his family.

The pair began putting the shopping away, "Does May know?"

"What abo- oh no she doesn't." He replied, looking abit scared at the thought.

May popped her head out of the bathroom, "Know What?"

'Shit' Eva thought, she looked to Peter and he began stumbling on his words. "N- Nothing no you know ju-" hes a terrible liar the girl noted, his ears were red.

Eva had to come up with a lie on the spot, Peter looked to her for help. "Are you two dating!?" May asked sounding very pleased. Eva looked to him who was redder then a tomato.

"Something like that." Eva replied with an innocent smile, she had to throw the trail. Peter was a terrible liar, so but he was also very nervous around these subjects. It could pass of as nerves.

"Oh my god!" May basically screamed, "I can't believe it! Finally, you know for a while I thought he was... a fan of the man."

"May!" Peter whined, Eva Let out a laugh. Eva made that mistake too.

"Aw he's sweet." Eva explained intertwining there fingers for effect.

"Well Finally!"

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