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The brunette walked into her apartment a bored look on her face, "Jess!"

Jessica stumbled out her room, whiskey in hand. "How was your first day."

"Horrible, kids are assholes." Eva explained throwing her bag to the side. "I managed to piss of the nicest guy at school though, that was fun."

Jessica laughed abit, "Only you could do that Eva. Your a little bitch you know." Jessica said. Eva smirked at her sister. "Make any friends?"

"Nope." Eva responded causally. Jessica rolled her eyes at her sister, she was exactly like Jessica she thought or very similar. They didn't do friends.

"Maybe you should, I mean I have Trish." Jessica said, Eva gave her a weird look. Ignoring her comment.

"I'm getting a shower." The brunette spoke, walking to the bathroom.

"I'm going out, don't wait up!" Eva called, the girl ignored her and got her shower. She had no idea where Jessica went she assumed she went to do her job.

The next morning Evangeline got up, and got dressed. She wore the same boots, lighter coloured jeans a black tank top with a leather jacket. Her fashion was very similar to Jessica's, Trish would always try and make her dress like a normal teenager. She had in the past, when she was going to a fancy event, or when she wanted to make a good impression. But it was more often to catch her in her signature leather boots matched with a black vest top.

The brunette walked into the school building, a bored look on her face as she walked to her locker. She began taking out the books she needed when Ned and Peter walked over to her. She gave them a weird look, why were they standing with her. "Whats your first lesson Eva?" Ned asked.

"Woodtech I think." She replied, shoving books into her bag.

"You picked that?" Peter asked confused, "girls don't pick that."

"Are girls not allowed to choose it?" She asked raising a brow. "Are you being sexist? Sexist and homophobic, your the real package Parker."

"No, that- that's not what I meant, it's just that you will be the only girl in the whole lesson!" He defended.

"Well, I can't wait to get near a saw." She explained, with an evil smile. He looked terrified, and decided to spin the conversation elsewhere.

"What do you think of Ewoks?" Peter asked as they waited for her to pack her things. Why were they waiting she wondered.

"Erm, I don't know what an Ewok is." She answered, a shocked look passed both the boys faces.

"You don't?!" Peter replied, he was confused as to how she didn't. "Don't tell me you haven't seen star wars!"

"Is that all you talk about? StarWars?" She retorted, they scowled at her. "Do you not have anything else to do with your lives?"

The duo ignored that facing her with a shocked expression, "How have you not seen StarWars?!" Ned quizzed, emphasising 'StarWars'

She rolled her eyes as peter added, "StarWars! It's only the best film series in the world."

"I beg to differ." She replied, slamming her locker shut. The boys jumped abit.

"Then what is?" They asked smugly, asif anything she could say would be wrong. She though to herself, what is a terrible film series, what would piss them off her saying is better than StarWars. Honestly she thought her saying any film series would piss them of so she said the first one she could think of.

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