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Eva sat with Jess in their apartment. "How's Luke?"

"How Peter?" Jessica replied, Eva glared. "Come on he is the only boy you have ever brought home, the only person actually."

"He's like us." Eva said, "Super strength."

"What?" Jessica replied shocked for a second, "Good you and your boyfriend will be like me and Luke were, the sex wil-"

"Jess I don't need to have that talk with you." Eva replied slightly disgusted. Jessica smirked back at the girl.

"I'm gonna go see Trish later, you coming?" Jessica enquired, Eva shrugged.

"Probably not."

"Why, got homework?" Jessica replied in a teasing tone. Eva glared at her, clearly annoyed that she would suggest such a thing.

"I can't believe you sent me to a science school." Eva groaned, "I don't even know what an atom is!"

"I was told it was a good school." Jessica replied, "Apparently there are a few gifted people there. You have already befriended one."

"I can't believe he trusted me with his secret identity. Peter can not keep a secret." Eva explained, "I haven't known him long."

Jessica shrugged, "When you meet someone like us there's a mutual trust there, you both have secrets you don't want disclosed."

Eva rolled her eyes at Jessica, "But to his is different. Peter is SpiderMan." The brunette explained moving positions.

Jessica furrowed her brows, "You say he can't keep a secret but you've told me his deepest one." Jessica stated. "You shouldn't do that."

Eva didn't think, she told her sister everything and didn't realise it was betrayal to Peters trust. "Shit." Eva mumbled.

"But Spiderman seriously, hes 15 no man. How many times has a started fights with drug dealers, gang members and plain old criminals. Imagine if his identity got out." Eva's sister said, Eva thought about it. It would be terrible if that happened.

"We will help him right? If anyone tries to kill him for it, he can't handle himself?" Eva questioned her sister, Jessica gave her a look of disbelief.

"You want to protect him?" Jessica was confused as to why the brunette would want to do that. He could clearly protect himself.

"He's innocent and naive. He will probably get himself killed. If we can help him then I think we should." Eva elaborated.

"Innocent and naive?" Jessica repeated. "If he gets in trouble, and people find out his identity. Then sure we will protect him, I'll even get Luke to help."

"Thanks Jess." Eva smiles, Jessica nodded slightly at the girl.

"I'm all out of booze." Jessica explained standing up, "You want anything from the shop?"

"No I think I'm just gonna go bed, I'm really tired." Eva explained, Jessica nodded at the girl. Eva went to her room pulling of her clothes and jumping in the bed. She thought about the Peter situation.

Him being SpiderMan, a hero, helping people. Peter used his capabilities to make the world a better place, Eva hardly used them. He told her about being bitten by a radio active spider that day, she wished that could of happened to her. Eva didn't remember how she got them, she just woke up with them after the car accident that killed her parents and brother. Her and Jess were lucky to survive. With one final thought about the boy with brown eyes Eva fell asleep.

The brunette walked in science taking a seat next to Peter Parker, her lab partner. She scowled when she saw the bruising on his face. "What happened?"

"No-" Peter was going to lie, then he realised she already knew his secret. Peter smiled, "I got into a fight." He winked, she let out a small laugh at his wink. Peter Parker looked like the biggest dork she had ever seen, he couldn't wink for his life. It was a mess.

"A fight?" She asked with a grin, "I don't understand why you do that."

He smiled at her pulling his books out from his bag, "With great power comes great responsibility." Peter said proudly. Eva raised a brow at him, "That's something my uncle Ben used to say to me."

Eva saw sadness pass through his eyes, she wanted to ask but she didn't want to pry. "Well he sounds like a wise man."

"Yeah, he was." Peter said with a kind smile, reminiscing on the memories of his uncle.

"Well look if you ever get badly hurt, you can always come my place." Eva stated, "I am the only one who knows your secret after all."

Peters face lit up at the offer, he had a huge smile on his face. "Y- yeah yeah thank you!" He replied joyfully. She smiled and shook her head at his expression, he looked like a kid on Christmas. A kid on Christmas who just got a puppy. But Peter also looked like the puppy with his big brown eyes. "So do you know anyone else- like us...."

"Me, my sister, Luke and there was another guy but he died." Eva explained.

"Died? I'm sorry I di-" Peter spoke awkwardly, he thought she cared about the guy who died. Oh no he deserved it, Eva wanted him to die and she was glad when Jessica finally killed him.

"Don't be, he deserved it." Eva explained, Peter gave her a look but decided not to comment. Peter didn't believe anyone deserved to die, he didn't believe it was right. Peter thought killing someone makes you as bad as the killer. "I met Wanda Maximoff once."

"What!" Peter shouted loudly, Eva glared at him. "Sorry." He mumbled awkwardly to the class. When people looked away and started there own conversations Eva elaborated.

"She was in New York, walking around and this guy came out of no where and he knocked her out. I saved her." Eva explained.

"Does she know about your, you know." Peter asked mainly with his eyes, she knew what he meant.

"Yeah." Eva replied, Peter nodded with a grin.

"Maybe she will make you an avenger?!" He questioned, Eva rolled her eyes at him.

"I don't believe in superhero's peter, I've already told you." Peter scowled at her in response, he didn't understand how she didn't.

"Alright, we have a pop quiz!"

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