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Eva sat with Michelle during Pe. Michelle was doing the sit-ups whilst the brunette girl held her feet. "You've been staring at Parker for the past 5 minutes, is he that good?" Michelle asked raising a brow at the girl.

"He's terrible actually." Eva states. Peter wasn't breaking a sweat, he looked normal like it was no struggle he would preform a sit up every now and then but he was breathing heavily.

"A lot better than a few months ago." Michelle commented, giving up and watching him as well. "He couldn't even do one."

Eva nodded her head looking at him, he held his head. "Give me a minute." Eva got up and walked over to him, she hadn't been able to get him of her mind. What he said to her, he seems understanding about the whole strength thing, she denied it but he looked like someone she could trust. So she kept her eye on him for the next few days. "Can we trade partners?"

"Wh- What?" Ned asked a look of disbelief, "Y- you want me to work worth Michelle?"

Eva nodded her head, "I want to work with Peter." She explained, she knew Ned wasn't going anywhere so she gave him a look. Not an intimidating look but a pleading one. "Ned, please."

"No why do you even want to work with peter?" Ned questioned.

"I've got a crush on him." Eva stated, Ned widened his eyes. "Now let me have- alone time with him." Peter and Ned's jaws were dropped, Peter was red in the face.

"Wh- Wh- shes got a crush on you!" Ned said a little to loud, people looked there way.

"Go and work with Michelle now!" Eva said annoyed, he got up and scurried away. Eva grabbed Peters feet holding them down as Peter did sit ups.

The teacher walked over, "Erm- you two can't work together." He said giving them concerning looks. Girls and boys didn't usually work together.

"Is it against a school rule?" Eva asked, "Or is that just your veiw? What do you think peter is gonna he staring at my ass because if he even tried it i will kick his a-"

"Eva!" Peter scolded, she glared at him. She was in the middle of a speech.

The teacher was about to scold her as well but he was cut of by Michelle. "Why because Peter is a boy and Eva is a girl they can't work together in school?"

Eva smirked at her friend before giving an innocent smile. "That's incredibly sexist, sir."

"It's 2018!" Michelle said with a look of disbelief, "Eva I think we should go and see the principal, we can't have a teacher like this in our school, are you sexualising her? What will she distract Pet-"

"No I- its just unusual, I thought y- just work together." The teacher finally defended, walking away sending the girls a glare. Eva smirked and sent Michelle a wink who went back to Ned with a roll of her eyes.

"Y- you have a crush on me?" Peter asked confidently, he didn't know where the confidence came from.

"I just said that to get rid of him." She explained, Peter decided to try something as he did his first sit up. "Besides I know you like Liz."

"Wh- Liz? No I d- I don't!" He lied as he leant back down. Doing another sit up.

"You don't look out of breath, but your breathing heavily like you are after your workouts." She commented changing the subject back. "I've been watching."

"I- don- I don't kn- know what your talking about!" He argued she smiled at this, she couldn't help it. She hadn't known him for that long but she learnt a few things about him.

"Your ears go red when you lie." He widened his eyes and began covering them, she let out a little laugh. "It's cute, kind of sexy." Peter went red and glared. "Kidding." She defended. "Not really." Eva then mumbled, he smiled slightly at her as she grinned back.

"Yeah well guess what?" Peter asked, she raised a brow at the boy.

"Switch!" The teacher shouted, the girl pulled Peter up with her hand. Peter blushed, she rolled her eyes at him. Once Peter was up she lay down on her floor, Peter held her feet instead. The pair had been gathering attention of the students, in the class wondering why the new 'Bitchy' girl was hanging out with Peter Parker the most innocent boy around.

"Guess what?" Eva repeated Parker's words from before.

"What?" Peter asked as she did her first sit up.

"No- that's what you said before the coach made us swap." Eva spoke, she pretended to do the panting thing she watched Peter do. It was smart. He smiled slightly as he noticed her do it.

"Oh Yeah." Peter said a smug smirk overcame his features, Eva didn't know if she liked it. She did. He looked hot.

"What's with the arrogant smile?" She quizzed, doing another sit-up.

His smirk became even smugger, "You don't know your own strength." She raised a brow, he looked very pleased with himself.

"I don't know what you mean." She lied, Eva didn't know her own strength. The girl was stronger than Jessica, she knew that she couldn't do the jump-fly thing her sister could through. Eva was to scared to use her full strength on Jess, in case she hurt her. Eva beat her older sister in fights when she held back, by a strong amount. It scared her. It also helped that she didn't really feel pain, a hit from Jess would be like a punch shared between normal people not the amount of pain it should have hurt was received.

When she tried to do things lightly they weren't light, she had a lot of training to contain herself from everyone who knew about her powers. Trish had also taught her a few combat moves, they helped her control herself. When she was angry she couldn't control her strength so if she did exercises to keep her calm and make sure she didn't bottle up her emotions. If she took them out on a punching bag it's better than her taking it out on a person who pisses her off. Like flash, she could see herself beating flash to death- by accident. It scared her slightly, killing a killer was one thing she believed she could do without a dash of hesitation but killing someone innocent was completely different.

"I pushed my feet up on purpose Eva, with all my strength. You didn't even notice." Peter explained a happy look on his face. She glared at the boy. "You must be pretty strong, just like I thought."

"Why would you do that?" She asked, "You didn't have the right." She didn't know what else to do, could she lie? No. She would have to threaten him.

"I think it's cool." He answered, still not telling her about the SpiderMan thing. He saw how terrified she looked and sighed. "Give me your hand."


"Give me your hand." He repeated himself, hesitantly she gave him. Peter began squeezing, she didn't even flinch. He stated doing it harder, and harder and harder. Nothing really hurt Eva, she rarely felt pain. She began to feel it but her face didn't change, the pair heard a bone crush. She widened her eyes and people looked at them. "I was just cracking my fingers!" Peter called. To the people staring.

"How can yo- how are you doing that?" She asked pulling her hand back. She saw the worried look in his eye.

"I'm so sorry, I did-"

"It's fine, it didn't hurt." She replied, Eva was sure she had a fair fight with Peter. He might be able to match her in strength, she wouldn't mention this to him but her body and bones were a lot harder to break than an average human. Harder to break than Jessica's, and she was stronger then her. Maybe she got third gifts rather than the flying thing Jess got.

"But I heard it crack." Peter grimaced at the thought, she smiled at him and took his hand.

"I have a healing factor, do you?" He nodded at her question. She held his hand firmly, what felt natural. She didn't push down but she didn't make sure she wasn't hurting him. He could feel it, her force but didn't comment upon seeing the exited look on her face as they held hands.

"Maybe we should talk about this when we aren't in a class full of people." Peter offered, she smiled and nodded her head going back to the sit ups.

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