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"So you and Peter?" Michelle asked as the girls walked out of English.

"What do you mean?" Eva replied playing dumb, she knew what Michelle meant but there wasn't anything between them like Michelle thought. She didn't want to explain they had bonded over there unique abilities.

Michelle raised her brows at the girl, "You know what I mean Eva."

"My sister knows who he is, he came over and I don't really bring people home so she assumed there was a thing and she's making me bring him to the charity gala." Eva explained simply, that was all she really needed to say and that she didn't have anything else to say, she couldn't come up with a lie so quick other than the easiest one- I like him.

Michelle shook her head but decided not to question the brunette, she didn't believe her at all. Even though she was telling the truth, Michelle thought there was something more to it. "Hmmm."

"Do you want me to see if I can get you an invite? Maybe you and Ned could come together." Eva spoke, smirking towards the end. "A double date?"

"Fuck off Eva, that's not happening." Michelle replied, her and Ned did not get along well. They had this love hate relationship, they always argued but they couldn't stay away from each other, but that might have been because Peter was often with Eva. They had no choice to pair up.

Eva only smirked at her friend as she made her way to Biology. The brunette walked in and took her seat next to a goofy looking Peter Parker. "What's up with you?" She quizzed, he had a weird grin on his face and looked lost in his thought.

"Wh- No- nothing!" Peter lied, Eva rolled her eyes and flicked his ear. "Ow! Why did you do that!" Whined now looking angry, he clenched his jaw slightly.

"You can take it parker." She replied, he scowled at the girl who only offered him a grin. A grin that made his heart flutter, what? Peter likes Liz, why was the girl making him feel like that? He assumed it was just because of the daydream he had of Liz, yeah it was probably because of that.

"So May said yeah." Peter stated, Eva nodded at him. It wasn't like she was going to say no. May had actually been very exited for Peter, his first date!

"Good." Eva replied, pulling out her books. "You know how to dance right?"

"Y- yeah yeah May taught me." Peter responded, with a trace of a smile on his lips.

"Do you want to come over after school?" Eva offered, Malcom found out about Peter and declared they must meet. Trish also decided she would have to be there.

"Today?" He asked, Eva nodded her head.

"I got a new tv and we can watch the StarWars films if you like?" She questioned, he smiled wildly at this, whereas Eva looked bored. He didn't need to know the ambush that would occur when he arrived at the jones household. Peter wondered if what she said in the gym was true about her liking him, she made excuses to spend time with him frequently. Or they could just be friends, and she made it clear she didn't really have any friends. Of course you would obsess over your first one.

"Yeah yeah I'll come!" Peter explained, with the same stupid grin on his face. Eva shook her head slightly at this. "But I have decathlon today."

"So how are you gonna come?" She asked, Peter gave her a pleading look. "No."

"Come on its only for an hour!" He begged, Eva did not plan on waiting at decathlon, attending decathlon or joining decathlon. No.

"I'm not sitting with your little Nerds for an hour, I could be home eating, sleeping watching tv." She replied a slightly annoyed look on her face. He gave her a puppy look, with his big brown eyes.

"Come on Eva, we could really use you on the team." Michelle joined in with a small smirk on her face, Eva glared at the girl. She had been eaves dropping. "It looks really good on collage applications."

"I don't think you need me on your team." The girl answered them, softening her features slightly. There convincing was working! Eva probably had one of the lowest gpa in the school. She was just smart enough to make it in to midtown.

"Your really good at chemistry!" Peter replied, she shook her head at him. "Your really good with numbers Eva."

She frowned at him, "you are amazing at Maths." Michelle commented. "We need someone like that on our team, who can do equations in a few seconds."

"Fine." Eva mumbled, "Only today, whilst I wait for peter though."

Michelle and Peter grinned at each other, Eva and to themselves. They had convinced the stubborn brunette to come to decathlon, Peter was naive, Michelle wasn't. Michelle believed that there was another reason she agreed to go so easily. Eva did not strike you as someone who you could convince to do things, through flattery. No. That was not Eva.

Eva walked into decathlon an irritated look on her face. Peter had discussed with the teacher that she would join them. The class couldn't help but wonder why she joined, she seemed like a careless bitch, who didn't have time for school. The brunette sat down next to peter who had a visible smile on his face, as students watched the pair. Confused as why the two opposites were sat together, why the two opposites were friends.

Eva put a leg up on the table, Peter pulled it down. "What are you doing Parker?"

"You can't do that!" He exclaimed, she rolled her eyes and moved positions placing her feet on his lap leaning back in her chair.

"It's the least you could do." Eva said, "You did make me come here after all."

Peter glared at her but allowed her to rest her boots on his lap, she smiled at him and sent him a small wink. "Peter! Eva!" A booming voice spoke, the girl broke the eye contact with Peter they both looked to Liz Allen who stood above the pair.

"Hi." Eva spoke not knowing what else to say. Peter became flustered, she let out a laugh at him.

"H- hi- hey hey Liz." Peter said a goofy grin on his face, Eva watched he adorable boy interact awkwardly. How entertaining.

"So you brought Eva! I never thought I would see you here!" Liz explained a grin on her face, Eva returned a bitchy smile.

"Y-Yeah I b- brought her!" Peter explained a happy look on his face he was clearly proud, Liz nodded slowly.

"Are you two-" Liz asked pointing between the two, Peter widened his eyes and Eva smirked.

"Wh- me and Eva no!" Peter called out Eva laughed slightly. "We're just friends!" He explained not wanting Liz to get the wrong idea.

"With benefits." Eva added, Peter glared at the girl his face was reddened and he began shaking his head vigorously. Eva had a satisfied smile on her face.

"Wh- no no that's no-" Peter began.

"Why do you think your coming to mine after school? Not to revise peter." Eva said annoying him even more, he knew she was saying that because Liz was there. She reached over and grabbed his hand sending Liz a wink.

Liz nodded awkwardly, What was she do to do in a situation like this. "No!" Peter declared.

"Lovers spat." Eva explained, Liz slowly walked away from the pair not knowing what to do. Also to the fact that Peter and Eva were now in a stare off.

"You just ruined my chances!" Peter whined now throwing her legs off him.

"I didn't ruin any thing Parker." Eva responded with a glare putting her legs back up. "Look now she knows your dating and not some monk. Also when something is taken from you that you didn't realise you have to begin with, it sucks."

"What does that mean?" Peter asked, she rolled her eyes at the idiotic boy.

"She will get jealous and realise her true feelings for you." Eva stated matter of factly, Peter scowled at her not believing anything she said. Eva rolled her eyes at the boy.

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