Chap 9: Haunted House Accidents

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Umji hugged Bambam's arm as they enetered the haunted house. Bambam wrapped his arm around her naturally. Yuju and Youngjae had their eyes closed and their arms wrapped around each other. Eunha was grabbing onto Yugyeom's shirt as he walked forward. Yerin was staying close to Mark, every once in awhile grabbing his arm to confirm he was there. Sowon walked to the front as she was ready to run first if there were any ghosts. SinB was acting all tough while Jackson was hugging her arm out of fear.

SinB: I thought you were so 'brave'?

Jackson: What's the fun in haunted houses if you don't get scared?

SinB: Fine. I lose this time.

They were walking behind the whole group. Out of nowhere, a ghost grabbed Umji's ankle.

Umji: GHOST!!

She ran all the way to the front and the others followed her as they were also scared. Even Youngjae and Yuju were able to track them down from Umji's scream although their eyes were closed shut. SinB and Jackson, who were still at the back of the group, heard running footsteps behind them. They turned around to see three ghosts chasing them.


Without them noticing, Sowon fell down to the side, into a somewhat pit.

Sowon: Argh! Oppa, help!!

The room fell silent and she was in pain. She hurt her ankle. She didn't cry but instead groan in pain. After a few minutes of being in pain alone, she heard footsteps heading her way.

Sowon: Help! Someone help me!

?: Oppa, I think she's here.

Sowon: That's Umji's voice. *whisper* Umji yah! Here!

Jinyoung: Sowon ah! Come on. Get up.

Sowon: I can't. My ankle hurts. I can't stand up.

Jinyoung: Give me your hands.

Sowon lifted her arms and Jinyoung pulled her out of the pit.

Jinyoung: Stand slowly. Come on, I'll support you.

Sowon: Thank you, oppa. For helping me.

Jinyoung: Of course. We were worried when we found out you and Eunha weren't there.

Sowon: Wait, Eunha's missing too?

Jinyoung: Yes but let's get out of here first. The ghost that was chasing us caught onto Mark and Jackson and tried to scare them. I feel bad for the ghosts. Mark punched them out of shock. Mark, Yerin and JB are out appologizing for hurting the ghosts.

They laughed together and finally reached the exit of the haunted house. She saw JB, Yerin and Mark bowing to four people. One of them is probably the manager of the haunted house. Two of the ghosts were bruised pretty bad. The last only had a cut on the lips. She then looked to the bench to see Jackson, Youngjae,Yuju and SinB. Jinyoung brougjt her to the bench and she sat down beside Yuju.

Sowon: Where's Umji, Yugyeom and Bambam? I thought Eunha was the one who went missing.

Jackson: They went to find Eunha.

Yugyeom: We're here.

They looked to the exit. Yugyeom was carrying Eunha on his back. Eunha was pale. Too pale. Sowon wanted to get up but her ankle didn't allow it.

Sowon: Eunha yah! Are you okay?

Eunha hopped off Yugyeom's back and ran to Sowon, giving a tight hug.

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