››You Met For The First Time‹‹

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Alec :

*your favorite color (y/f/c)

You met him in an alley.

He and his team were fighting against demons but more and more appeared and they couldn't handle that many.

There also was a dead end, where they soon were with their backs against the wall, still trying to kill some.

You were walking pass the alley and saw them.

Within a second, the demons exploded into (y/f/c) glitter.

It was a very difficult and hard spell, so you had to use all your energy to cast it.

This took all your strength, so you broke down right after that.

The only thing you had seen before everything went black was a pair of blue eyes.

Jace :

"Watch where you go, you God damn idiot!" was the first thing you ever said to him.

You were on your way to the entrance of the faerieworld and some stupid, mundane had walked into you.

You wasn't against mundanes, but it wasn't your day since one mundane decided to throw a water Ballon on you and you had to walk the whole day with soaking wet clothes-so it was only understandable, that you was a little pissed.

" You can see me?"

"Of course I can see-" You focused onto his arms.


"Of course. Only Shadowhunters can be so arrogant and unobservant" You spat out, not even trying to hide the fact that you dislike Shadowhunters.

"What are you? A moody werewolf? Or a vampire on their period?"

" Oh I see, someone tries to be funny. Sorry to take you back to reality, goldilocks, but you aren't."

Without spending another glance at him, you walked away.

" JACE!"

You turned around.

" What?"

" My Name's Jace."

You only smirked, amused by the boy.

" I didn't ask, goldilocks."

You turned around, leaving an amazed Jace.

" This was interesting" You smiled before jumping into the river.

Clary :

"Simon!" You jumped into his arms.

Like last time you both landed onto the ground, giggling.

" How I have missed you!"

" Same goes to you!"

"SIMON! I have finished the sketch for-" The girl went silent. She looked at you both with big eyes.

"I-I am sorry! G-Go On!" She said, turning beetle red and ready to storm out.


"THAT'S EVEN WORSE SIMON!" She screamed back, shielding her eyes with her hands.

With a laugh you stood up, walking to Clary.

"Hello, Clary. Nice to meet you! I am (Y/N), Simon's Cousin."

"Hey" She said, hands still on her eyes.

"We weren't doing anything. I jumped at him, but Simon is just TOO WEAK-"

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