»Disney Movies You Watch Together«

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Jace : Dumbo

You are not allowed to tell anyone. Nor that he cries watching it. People actually hear cries from your guys bedroom when they know you are watching a movie, but think it's you, when it really are the both of you crying your heart out.

Alec : Camp Rock

Alec actually enjoyed the movie, although he thought it was rather stupid of Mitchie to break into a song in the second movie in the cafeteria instead of strategizing the next move. Also, he thought it was stupid for Shane being like "Omg, you are the girl from that one song I've heard for around ten seconds, let's forget you lied to me and everyone else and sing a duet because ✨L-O-V-E✨." But let me tell you a secret : He mostly criticize it much harder than he actually felt about it and rants about it, because you always try to shut him up with a kiss and he likes it when you kiss him to shut him up. But tell this anyone and you will have an angry Alec in the loose.

Simon : Star Wars [yes, Star Wars is disney I was actually surprised lol)

What else is there to say but you guys just love the movies? You especially like it when you watch it with Clary at her home and Luke is there so you guys can creep up on him and tackle him to say, "Luke, you're like our father. Join us on the dark side, we got cookies and Clary!"

Magnus : High School Musical

Let's be honest, you both know the movies by heart. You scream out your hearts by "Scream", dance romantically to "Can I Have This Dance?" and completely go crazy with your magic and glitter the moment the first tune of  "Fabulous" appears.

Sebastian/Jonathan :  Halloweentown

Spooky, romance and a classic. He gets jealous over the fact that you think Ethan is "boyfriend material," but is easy to calm down with a kiss.

Izzy : Twitches

The two sisters are fabulous and fashionable. It doesn't matter that much though, as you always somehow end up making out instead of watching...

Clary : Don't look under the bed

Clary kind of felt connected to the characters, as she was too forced to "grow up too soon" and fight evil. You think she's bananas. But you enjoy watching it nevertheless, as you two always cuddle.

Raphael : Mom's Got a Date with a Vampire

He doesn't like it, but you find it hilarious to watch it with your vampire boyfriend, so he endures it to see you happy and free from all the horrors of the world you both live in.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 21, 2020 ⏰

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