»Sandwich (Jace)«

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Note :

N/S/Y/R/H =Name (of) Someone You Really Hate

"Hello, what's your order?" You said, trying your hardest to sound happy which was actually hard work since your last break was 4 hours ago, was only ten minutes long and you worked since 10 hours

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"Hello, what's your order?" You said, trying your hardest to sound happy which was actually hard work since your last break was 4 hours ago, was only ten minutes long and you worked since 10 hours.

"W-What?" The Boy in front of you asked confused.

You blinked a little and suddenly went full sassy mode on him.

Know what?

DAMN this job!

DAMN this shop!

DAMN this customer!

And freaking DAMN my Boss!

" Your order, goldilocks. You know, since this is an Sandwich focused restaurant, you should by now tell me what you want on your damn bread."

"... Meat?"

" Which bread sort do you want, gray bread, white break, bread with pumpkin seed-"

His eyes grown large and you couldn't help but smirk a little.

" bread with mixed seeds, buttered bread, baked cheese bread, bread with-"

" Normal Bread!"

" Honey this is all normal bread. For you, normal bread can be white bread, for the behind you it could be buttered, mixed seed gray bread."

" White bread, white bread!"

You have to admit : His behavior - so strange it was - was actually kinda cute.

And his Look-GOD DAMN IT!! Someone must have slipped the Hot - Potion out of the hands and let it all be poured into his bowl!!!

" Alright, which meat? We have - "

" Chicken!"

" I see you are a fast learner. With or without Salad?"

" Without."

" Who eats their sandwich without salad?"

" Then With!"

You smirked, knowing the little amount of Salad money would go into your pocket.

" With dressing?"

" Yes."

" We have-"

"I mean No!"

" With eggs?"

" No?"

" Is this an answer or a question? Honey, I don't have the whole day and these people behind you sure don't too."

He looked at you in disbelief, before he chuckled and you could swear you heard the cheese melt.

Gosh, was there something not perfect on him?

" Tomatoes and cucumbers?"

" No."

Oh, there it was.

" What's wrong with you? Tomatoes give the whole sandwich this touch of Yammmy and the cucumbers make it all more watery so you can stuff it in your mouth as a whole! Seriously, had you ever have a sandwich?"

" Yes, I surprisingly had."

" Then it wasn't a good one. Without tomatoes and cucumbers... "

" Which size?"

A smirk suddenly made its way on his face.

Before he even could say something I glared at him." I mean Sandwich size, not your mini me size."

" Which sizes are av-"

" The 30 inches Sandwich, great choice."

" But that's too-"

" Listen right here, goldilocks, because of you not knowing how a Sandwich works have I lost exactly 5 Dollar because all the people in my queue went to my Co worker N/S/Y/R/H who is the greatest bitch of her age and above. So you will take this 30 inches Sandwich and pay for it, so I have the same amount of money I lost during your order. Do we understand each other, Honey?"

" You are really fiercy, you know that?"

" So I've heard. This makes 23 Dollars."

He looked seriously shocked.

" But... That's a Sandwich!"

" A delicious, big, and customized one so stop acting like a whining toddler and give me the cash."

He laughed and smiled at me, Sheaking his head a little.

" Will I at least get a discount?"

" You get a discount of 1 dollar for looking like a God. Now give me the money."

He smirked and gave you the money.

You went to the back and took the Sandwich to the boy in front of you.

" Do you have a boyfriend?"

" I have a Sandwich, which happens to be yours."

" Would you like to grab some drinks?"

" If you try to ask me for a date... Then ask me tomorrow again, after you successfully ordered a Sandwich.
Thanks for your order, have a happy day and bye."

You watched as he exited the shop and came to a stop by a brown haired boy with black glasses.

Thanks to the open window, you were able to hear what they said.

" I want the gray bread with-"

" Sssh!"

" Did you manged to get the Sandwich? I bet you couldn't, right?"

He throw the sandwich at the brown haired guy.

" But I really want gray bread with-"

"Not now!"

"You did! And here I thought the great Jace Herondale would finally fail his mission."

" Shut up, Lewis. I can do everything, you should by now know that."

" Oh yeah?"

"Please, my break is almost over and I just want gray bread with-"

" I will spit into your Sandwich if you won't be quiet!"

" Yeah, if not, how did I managed to get this hot Girl agree on a date with me?"

He nodded towards you, while you hurriedly acted like you were taking the next order.

" White bread, chicken, tomatoes, cucumbers, no dressing, with salad, without eggs, 15 inches. Makes 12 Dollar."

" Really? She's hot."

" I know. Anyway, how is your little fanged problem going? Have you drunk any bloody Marys..."

Both Guys started to walk off, while you smilingly gave the customer his sandwich.

He thinks I am hot.

" But I wanted gray bread and-"

" We don't always get what we want, take it as life lesson for being impatient!"

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