Attitude | Megatron x Femme!Reader Part 1

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(Y/N) could not be tamed! Megatron just couldn't pin her down!

"Sorry, I forgot, my lord," (Y/N) mocked and giggled as she walked away.

Megatron growled but damn did he love her. Her attitude and her wit attracted him. She was an amazing fighter and had slapped Starscream because he wouldn't stop talking. That had to have been the moment when Megatron finally admitted to himself that he loved (Y/N). He wouldn't admit it to others though.

"Soundwave, go retrieve the relic that (Y/N) forgot to grab after making the Autobots retreat," Megatron said with annoyance in his voice.

Soundwave nodded respectfully and left to go claim the relic for the Decepticons.

Megatron went to get some energon but he saw (Y/N) had pinned Starscream down.

"You ever touch me like that or any way ever again, you won't have servos to touch me with!"

Megatron chuckled and watched with amusement.

"You're lucky I'm letting you keep your servos this time! I'm not a toy, Starscream! Now go!"

Megatron saw the terrified look on Starscream's face and he snorted. He walked over to (Y/N).

"Does that rule apply to me too?" Megatron put his servo on here right above her aft.

"That applies to everyone, Megsy," (Y/N) slapped his servo away and kept walking.

"Well what if you are mine?" Megatron pulled her close and grinned.

"That would be different but I'm not so you can't touch me like that. Nice try though," (Y/N) rolled her eyes and pushed him away before she walked off

'Ragh! She is so infuriating! I love it!'

A few months later, all the vehicons that flirted with (Y/N) disappeared and were never seen again.

(Y/N) never acknowledged Megatron's attempts to make her his bondmate but she would be lying if she said she wasn't attracted to the mighty lord of the Decepticons.

(Y/N) was looking for Megatron and walked into the Med Bay to see Megatron on the berth. She immediately thought something bad happened and rushed over, only to see that Seawing, Knockout's sparkmate, was buffing Megatron.

Megatron looked over at (Y/N) and she looked at him.

"Were you worried?" He smirked at her.

(Y/N) scoffed, "No."

She was lying but she didn't want to admit that she had been worried about Megatron at first.

"Yes you were. You can't deny it," Megatron chuckled.

(Y/N) rolled her eyes as the buffer was shut off.

"Why are you buffing yourself anyways?"

"I gotta look good when I take over Cybertron." He joked but (Y/N) wasn't laughing.

"Well let me know how that goes for you."

Megatron raised an optic ridge.

"But you'll be there."

(Y/N) shook her head. "I don't want to fight anymore. Cyberteon is dying and you are worsening it. This is my home. I'm sorry Megateon but I can't support the Decepticons any longer. I wanted to say goodbye before I left."

She kissed his cheek plate before leaving the Med Bay and left Megatron sitting up and staring at the door in shock.

She was gone... his spark clenched. Seawing put a servo on Megatron's shoulder

"Are you okay, my lord?"

"She's leaving... I was gonna ask her to be my bondmate later... I didn't think she would leave..."

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