Attitude | Megatron x Femme!Reader Part 2

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Megatron ended the war immediately in an attempt to bring (Y/N) back to him. He wanted so badly to make her his and have a family with her.

Months past and he never saw (Y/N) and thought she was killed which hurt him so much. Megatron stayed low, but Optimus wanted him to be part of the new High Council. He didn't want to accept but he did anyways. They were finishing up to war repairs in Vos, having finished in Iacon and Kaon.

Megatron sat on his berth one night, holding the picture he kept of (Y/N). He wanted her back so badly. He never cried in public or around anyone else but when he was alone at night, he cried himself into recharge.

The next day, Optimus was next to Phoenix who was the head of the new council and Optimus's sparkmate as well as Primus' daughter and prime. Megatron looked so upset and Phoenix wanted to know why.

"Megatron? Is something wrong?"

Megatron froze and looked at the photo that he took with him everywhere, a photo of (Y/N).

"I just miss someone very much. (Y/N) left me... I was the reason she left and I just want her by my side... I love her..." He forced himself not to cry.

"I'm so sorry, Megatron." Phoenix put a hand on his shoulder but was startled by the doors opening

"I'm here! Sorry I'm late! I got held up in Vos."

Megatron recognized that voice. His helm shot up and he looked at the femme.

"(Y/N)..." Megatron saw her, seeing that she had a son and daughter with her.

"Megatron, it's... been a while," (Y/N) said softly and sat down next to him, her botlings sitting down on the floor next to her.

Megatron just assumed that she had found someone and it made him want to cry.

He quickly got up and left the room before he broke down. Optimus followed him immediately.

"Did I say something wrong?" (Y/N) frowned.

Phoenix sighed and looked at (Y/N). "He is upset because he loves you but you clearly have someone else and that hurts him."

(Y/N) shook her helm, "I don't have a lover. I've loved Megatron since before he was Megatron. I'm going to speak to him. Please watch Sky and Stryker."

She left and went to find Megatron. She heard the sound of soft sobs that were getting gradually louder as she got closer. She came upon the room that held the source of the crying.

"She left me that day... I had everything ready. It was gonna be perfect. She left and I couldn't do anything but watch her groundbridge away. I wanted her so badly. I love her Optimus... but she doesn't love me... I was gonna ask her to be my bondmate. I wanted to be her sparkmate one day..."

Megatron trembled, hating that Optimus was seeing him cry but he was so spark broken.

"I'm really sorry, Megatron," Optimus comforted him as best as he could.

The door opened and Optimus looked up to see (Y/N).

"I'm gonna go." Optimus got up and Megatron looked to see (Y/N) standing there, quickly wiping his tears but it was a futile attempt because new tears fell.

Optimus left and shut the door behind him.

"Megatron..." (Y/N) walked over and hugged him.

Megatron just broke down completely and trembled.

"I wanted to ask you to be my bondmate that day. I was getting buffed because I wanted to impress you and I had a date set up... it was gonna be perfect and then you left and I ended the war but you didn't come back... I love you (Y/N)... I know you have someone else and you have a family now but I... I wanted that family... I wanted to have a family with you... I wanted you to be by my side..."

Megatron couldn't hug her back, telling himself that she was someone else's and would never be his.

"I love you too Megatron. I've loved you since before the war when I was helping you with you gladiator nonsense. I don't have anyone else and you have that family. Those sparklings are yours, Megatron," (Y/N) looked into his optics and saw that they were a soft beautiful blue now.

Megatron locked eyes with her. "What do you mean? They couldn't possibly be... oh..." He remembered the one night where he had way too much high grade. He had apologized to her so much the next day.

"Yeah... that's why I left... I didn't want our sparklings to grow up knowing only war," (Y/N) leaned into his touch when she felt him cup her cheek plate.

"I would've ended the war for you if you just asked. I ended it because I thought that you would come back to me because the war was over but you didn't and I just wanted you back so I could tell you that I love you," Megatron murmured and she smiled.

Megatron gently kissed her and she immediately kissed him back.

"Come on, let's go to the meeting. And you can officially meet your sparklings," (Y/N) said to him after a few minutes, even though it seemed like hours.

"You know, I probably wouldn't have fallen for you if it wasn't for you beauty and mostly your personality," Megatron chuckled lightly.

"I know you love my attitude," (Y/N) giggled.

Megatron smiled as he held (Y/N) close to him, walking off with her to the meeting room.

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