Jealousy | BumbleBee x Female!Reader Part 1

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It was always BumbleBee and (Y/N). They did everything together.

She met him on accident because she was hiking when she heard fighting, metal crashing against metal, sounds of blasters going off. She had found BumbleBee fighting against two vehicons and he ended up having to take her back to base after her presence was made known to him.

They were the best of friends ever since. She was the only human that understood him because at the time, she was the only human except for the government who knew about the Autobots and the Decepticons.

They had known each other for two years before they started dating. Everything was perfect until a year and a half later.

(Y/N) was at base, waiting for Bee to get back.

"When are they coming back?" (Y/N) looked at Ratchet and sighed.

"They should be on their way now," Ratchet said to (Y/N), clearly not happy that their were gonna be other humans at base.

When she saw the familiar muscle car, she jumped up and was about to run to him... but a boy came out. Arcee came behind Bee with a boy who looked to be around her age and a girl who looked in awe at the Autobots.

"I thought there were two," Ratchet raised an optic ridge.

"Haven't you heard? Humans multiply," Arcee said sarcastically.

"Not that fast," (Y/N) looked at Arcee.

"Hey, gorgeous!" Bee whirred as he walked over and let her onto his servo before keeping her close to his spark. He gently pet her hair and (Y/N) smiled brightly.

After all the introductions, (Y/N) knew she would be great friends with the three of them.

(Y/N) got along with Jack really well but she noticed she was seeing less and less of her boyfriend which hurt a bit.

"Hey Jack, have you seen Bee?"

"Oh, hey (Y/N). Bee left with Raf hours ago. Didn't he tell you?" Jack looked at her and she sat on the couch with a sigh.

"Bee doesn't tell me anything anymore... I'm losing him and I don't know why... I love Raf and everything. He's like a brother to me... but ever since you guys came around... Bee doesn't make time for me anymore... only Raf... i-it's like he doesn't like me anymore... but I love him..." (Y/N) hugged herself.

"I'm sorry, (Y/N)," Jack hugged her gently.

"I've never told Bee that I love him but now I'm afraid I'll never get the chance. The last time we went on a date was the day after you guys came to base... the only ones who seem to notice I'm around anymore is Optimus. Maybe Ratchet but you can never tell with him..." (Y/N) let out a disheartened laugh.

It only got worse from there. (Y/N) felt like she was invisible and she rarely saw her boyfriend anymore... she didn't know if Bee was even her boyfriend anymore.

She went to walk into Bee's room behind him but the door shut before she could get in and she frowned. She went to go through the human size door but it was locked. She leaned against the door and started to cry.

Optimus saw her and gently picked her up before asking, "what is wrong, (Y/N)?"

"I'm not wanted here anymore... I don't think I'm Bee's girlfriend anymore either... I just want everything to go back to how it was... I want to be with Bee again... I was so happy... but now he has Raf and he doesn't need me around anymore... I'm just gonna go..."

Optimus frowned, "I am truly sorry you feel that way. But I thought you knew Bee was with Arcee... did he not tell you?"

(Y/N)'s heart shattered and she looked at Optimus, not wanting to believe what she just heard.

"Y-you're lying!" Deep down she knew that he wasn't lying but she didn't want to believe that Bee hadn't told her that they were no longer together and that he was with Arcee now.

"I am not lying to you, (Y/N). I truly thought you knew."

(Y/N) cried and cried, wanting to know where she went wrong. She was in love with Bee. He was everything to her but it seemed that now... she was nothing to him...

"I love him. I truly love him... I-I need to go home Optimus..."

Once she was home, she walked into her room, looking at the pictures of her and Bee. She had everything she could have ever wanted... now she felt like she had nothing...

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