chapter 10

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Play the music for better imagination💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞

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Play the music for better imagination💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞

Y/n' POV:::

" I'm sorry y/n, I hate people like those who run away and trust me he is missing so much in his life." He said and his words like magic snatched me out of the pool of sorrow I started dwelling in.

I wonder what wrong mights have happened in their life. God never pity anyone when it comes to fate not even earnest the person is so pure and kind.

I smiled and averted my eyes out of window , the sun was slowly setting down to its path to bring another sunshine .

No one said anything for a while and my gaze fell over a karaoke bar and as I wanted to change the aura between us I asked him .

" Do you like karaokes?" I asked with a huge grim on my face. " yes, I love it , me and jungkook use to go karaokes a lot , I miss those days", " why not not I love going to karaoke bar. Actually its one of my way to celebrate leisure time😀"I said . " We hardly get time for these things and jungkook really prefer to keep himself in his study".

" I see, that's why he is able to build such a great empire of successful business but he can spare some time for his friends "

I said with a cliché frown on my face causing him to smile. ' He can spend his entire life in his study and I don't wanna bother him with his life"

" I see~~ don't worry , I can accompany you! We can enjoy but your friend really needs to go out and enjoy life a little bit "

Even if jungkook lives in a different world from us , he really is a good person , at least he is not like rich arrogant dumbheads who are spoiled. Maybe its his way to live his life or he is still hurt about his past and keeps him busy so that he won't think about it.

I feel bad about him, I can't stop but care about him.

"Really?! I'm so happy . Thank you so much y/n shhhiiee"

I smiled and nodded ". NO thanks pabo😊"

He was looking like an angel while smiling and I couldn't stop myself from pinching his cheeks , I softly touched his cheeks which were as smooth as cream making me going awe .

I realized what I did and he was staring at me , " you know you are so adorable right?" And we both busted out laughing.

Time skip: In front of your apartment:

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