5: Sons of the Serpent

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Draco rejected the thought, screaming. His arms waving in protest.
"No! Father would've told me if I had a brother. He would have said this to me years ago. You are no Malfoy. You are an imitator, some northern Durmstrang imposter trying to spit on my family name." Tiberius expected this to happen. Even though both young men shared a resemblance that any person with eyes could see. Draco naturally, was defiant. He refused to believe something like this was true. He saw his father through the lens any boy would see their father. Honorable and without flaws. Severus gripped his shoulders, sitting him down on the sofa. "Draco, there are many things your father has hidden from you to protect himself. Tiberius is one of them. He did it so that the name Malfoy would remain flawless and dignified. No one knew of your brother's existence except me, and even I couldn't say a word. I made the unbreakable vow to keep him in the dark, hoping one day he'd discover the truth for himself."

Draco sat back in a state of shock. He began hyperventilating. Tiberius grabbed his shoulder. Even though Draco had denied him and wouldn't look him in the eye Tiberius felt obligated to help him. He pulled out his wand looking at the boy with sympathy. "I'm sorry about this, but you'll want to hold still." Tiberius pressed his wand to Draco's left forearm where the dark mark was. He turned it counter clockwise as he muttered a very power counter curse. It was the same counter curse Snape used to free himself from the dark mark after renouncing his title as death eater to serve Dumbledore.
Draco gripped the arms of the couch, crying and screaming in agony. Snape had warned Tiberius that the process would take a great deal of power. That the pain Draco would experience could kill him. But Tiberius refused to give up on the boy. He was an innocent. An innocent boy forced into servicing someone by means of manipulation with no choice in the matter. The process took hours needing breaks so Draco didn't die or pass out from the pain, but finally it was done.

Hovering on the tip of Tiberius' wand was a serpent composed of magic, illuminating of black fire. Looking out to the mountains, Tiberius shot it towards one of them causing an avalanche as it hit one. Draco clutched his left forearm looking down at a jagged raised left scar. Such a wound was the price for delving into the dark arts. Tiberius rose to his feet bringing his younger brother a small tray of fresh biscuits with a bowl filled with hot stew.
"Eat, you'll need your strength." Without a word Draco followed his brother's words as he swallowed down the stew and began tearing off pieces of the buttered biscuit like a starving animal. Although he had hearty food in his belly, Draco was still shaking. It was his body's way of healing from the dark mark and its hold over him.
"Where are we going?" Draco asked in a shaky breath.
Tiberius looked at his younger brother. His expression stern, gray eyes piercing and fearless.
"We are going to help Harry Potter. Whether you like it or not."

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