7: Celebration & Redemption

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Tiberius was overjoyed the following morning. He had been accepted by the Order of the Phoenix. It had taken most of the night following he and Draco's arrival, but he earned their trust. Tiberius spent most of the morning divulging his secret conversation with Dumbledore before he passed. Going over specific details with them in confidence. Including Dumbledore's spy; Severus Snape.
"All this time?" Remus said, looking slightly shocked. Tiberius nodded his head, confirming it.
"Yes. Dumbledore didn't want anyone to know especially not Harry. Sirius has fought for him and still does now. From what I know he's protected Potter since the moment he was born." There was a brief moment of silence. A gentle tear falling down his cheeks.
"Lily,Harry's mother. The two of them were very close when we were younger. That may be the only reason he would be protecting him. If Dumbledore told you all of this then I supposed he truly trusted you. You have our support."
Tiberius nodded, appreciating the kind words. Between the two of them, and Kingsley the three men discussed plans. Fleur was getting married this evening to Bill Weasley. Tiberius had already gave the two his congratulations. He wasn't going to stay for the wedding. Draco wasn't either. Tiberius had plans of his own. Being here was strictly something he was doing in honor of Albus and delivering one final message. Now that he knew the chosen one was safe and the message was delivered he could return to his own plans.
Helena came downstairs dressed in a simple red shirt and jeans, her fur coat sitting on her shoulders. Tiberius walked over to her planting a kiss on her lips. He could see Potter and Ginny looking on. The two of them getting dressed for the wedding.
"Potter, I hate to disappoint you but I have to leave you again." Tiberius' voice left his lips smoothly. His voice deep and sincere.
"When..when will be able to see you again? You aren't running are you?" Harry asked, his voice sounded uneasy. Tiberius knew the boy's task would be difficult, more than he expected.
"As I told you before, I will come to you when the time is right. You have your battles, now I must return to mine." Walking into the room was young Draco. He had been having a long conversation with Ron Weasley and Hermione. Whatever wounds Draco had caused seemed to be beginning to heal. Hermione and Ron looked at Sebastian and Helena with a sense of longing.
"We have to part ways, for now. Harry, Ron, Ms. Granger. Keep each other safe. The task ahead is difficult, but your wills won't fail if you remain untied. Good luck." With his final words of wisdom Tiberius took Draco's hand in his right as Helena took his arm. The three of disapperated.

Home at last, Tiberius thought as he walked through the main floor of his family manor. Snow fell outside that was beginning to torrent violently. A good blizzard, perfect. Tiberius looked to Draco as he dropped his coat to the floor.
"Don't get comfortable little brother." Draco turned hearing Tiberius' cold tone. His eyes grew wide.
"What do you mean?"
"I mean don't get comfortable," Tiberius began. His face had become stern. His voice sounding harsh. "You've been weak, soft. Father has allowed you to rest on his coattails and embrace his privilege. That arrogance makes you weak. If you want to truly redeem yourself then it must be purged from you." Tiberius saw something greater than arrogance in Draco's eyes, it was fear.
"Come with me. We don't have much time, and I need to train you." Draco followed Tiberius hesitantly. The poor boy probably felt like he had a dragon egg in his throat. Helena followed Tiberius at his left side. The three of them entered the study it's back wall was filled with enough books to keep someone reading for a century. Something Tiberius had done before his time at Durmstrang.
Tiberius escorted Draco to a large empty space away from the books, and small desk. The two of them standing in front of one another.
"Are you going to fight me? Force us to duel?" Draco asked, his voice trembling. The question barely escaping his lips. Tiberius looked much more intimidating than Draco. His height along with his muscular build alone scared the younger Malfoy even though he'd never say it out loud.
Tiberius shook his head from side to side.
"No, I would never do such a thing to you. We are brothers, more importantly the future of the Malfoy name falls to us. If that family name is to survive you must let go of your fear,"
"I'm not afraid," Draco said defiantly.
"Yes you are. Draco you are afraid of our father, I think you are also afraid of yourself. I was there at the astronomy tower the night Dumbledore died. I saw you lowering your wand." Tiberius never broke his gaze. His strong grey eyes locking with Draco's.
"The death eaters were there, Bellatrix . I knew if I failed she'd have You-know-Who kill me! Of course I was afraid."
"Now is the time to let go of that fear. I will rip it from you like poison being drawn from a wound. When I am done you shall be free, and be your own man" Tiberius felt a sense of pride in his words. He saw Draco begin to calm. The boy must've been waiting for something like this. Even now he still looked pained by his fears, squirming. Like a terrified child in the darkness.
Tiberius folded his arms in front of his chest. He looked to Helena who was standing at the small raised area of the study watching the two brothers. She stepped down, coming to his side. Helena looked at Tiberius for a moment then raised her small, oak wand at Draco. She uttered the spell, her voice strong. "Legilimens!"

Tiberius took Draco through the drills for hours. Helena would sift through his memories one by one, then the brothers would talk. The more he learned, the more Tiberius felt sympathy for his younger brother, or little serpent as he began to call him. The boy had put on a brave face that had just been a mask. One meant to hide years of degradation, and abuse. To their father Draco was nothing more than a tool to be used and manipulated to his will. He had been left unloved by their father, a disappointment. Always searching for his love, but never finding it.

Days passed by and Draco had become stronger, more confident. Tiberius began dueling with him for brief sessions, always coming out as the victor. The two of them walked through the castle while Helena offered to tend to Tiberius' mother safira. Tiberius told Draco his family's history; the story of his great-grandfather's journey to Durmstrang. The picture couldn't be missed as Tiberius pointed to it. The large framed painting of a blonde haired man with a short beard. He was dressed like in a military like uniform, his stance regal. Holding his wand triumphantly.
Tiberius felt the ring on his right hand burn, irritating his skin. Turning his head he locked eyes with Draco. "Little Serpent, are you ready?" Draco sounded confident.
"Now is the time I spoke of in our lessons. We must return you to your home. I must fulfill my vow." Tiberius felt the intensity in his voice as he spoke. Draco nodded his head.
"No matter what happens from here on little serpent know that I am proud to call you my kin."
Helena had stepped out into the hall seconds before Tiberius and Draco diapparated. Her voice saying softly. "Be careful".

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