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Picture of Lance on the side

     I smiled watching both my twin boys get into bed they were already five they are getting so big.

"Okay boys good night I love you." I said about to walk out

"Dad?" Asked Julian

"Yes son?" I said to my son curious of what he has to say

"Can you tell us about the day you met her?" Asked Justin

"Um sure son." They wanted me to tell them how I met there mother it was a sensitive subject none the less, I pulled up a chair next to the twins bed. "Well it went like this."....



Year of 2003 I was at the mall with my friends Justin,Julian, and Robert. Jason never stopped eating no matter where we are he always seems to find food or have some and it was weird to me how he eats so much but has never weighed more than 150 in his life. "Lance what are you thinking about" Asked Robert

"How come Justin doesn't gain no Weight I mean really all you do is eat."

the boys laughed but not Justin, "I can't help it and I'm 6 foot so it evens out."

I listened to the boys go on and on about weight when this beautiful girl tall chocolate skin she was with her friends I saw her smiling that's when I noticed her left dimple I Wanted to go over to her but what would everyone think of me with a black girl, My parents aren't racist but I don't know how they would take that news probably not to well.

"lance hellloooo" Robert said snapping his fingers in my face, which caused me to look at him like he was crazy " what do you want."

" I asked how much you weigh what where you looking at." All three of them turned around being noisy

"You where looking at that black girl?" Robert said sounding disgusted

"Yea what's wrong wit that?" I said

"Wow I didn't know you like black girls now I can show you my girl" Julian said pulling out his phone showing me a picture of this brown skinned girl with beautiful gray eyes and curly hair she was indeed beautiful.

"She's beautiful how'd you get her." I asked Julian he hit me in the arm and we just laughed

"Ew I can't believe you guys like black girls." Robert said while still looking at us like we we're out our minds.

"Robert what's wrong with black girls? I like all types of girls I don't discriminate." I said while looking back over at the beautiful girl she had just got into a food line, I guess,she felt me staring at her she so soon turned to look at me. I waved she smiled when she looked to my left and shot me a confused look, I snapped back to reality when I saw Julian's hand around Roberts neck.

"Whoa what the fuck is happening right now." I asked looking at Julian while he continued to grab Roberts throat.

"Who would've knew we've been best friends with a racist he just called our girls niggers!" Julian said

"You said what." I said looking at Robert

Robert looked like he couldn't breath but Julian looked like he wasn't gonna let up " Julian stop before you kill him, We know he's an ass but he shouldn't die."

Julian gave one more last glance letting him go, Robert grabbed his throat panting gasping for air Julian and Justin got up and walked off leaving me there speechless I looked at Robert getting up not before shaking my head.

I was going to go but I saw the beautiful girl from earlier approaching me I started getting nervous but I didn't wanna show it.

"Hey nice to meet you I'm Char but my everyone calls me Blue." Blue i thought that was cute

"Nice to meet you Blue my name is Lance I think your beautiful." I saw her blush she smiled revealing her left dimple

"Your pretty handsome yourself." I laughed

"So what was all that commotion over there why was that guy being choked?" Blue said looking curious

"He just said something he had no business saying, My friend got a bit upset and choked him." I said while looking back and saw Robert going into the bathroom.

"Wow but I got this delicious sandwich I'll guess ill see you." Blue said giving me an warm smile before walking over to sit with her friends. I soon found Justin and Julian and we left the mall.



"Dad you didn't even take her on a date." baby Julian said

"Dad that's it, We want more did you guys ever see each other again? Asked baby Justin

"We did son but look I promise tomorrow night I'll tell you more its getting late get some sleep." I said kissing both my sons goodnight I walked towards the door but not before telling my sons how much I Love Them.

"I love you to dad" Justin said

"I Love you to dad" Julian said




Thanks for reading guys tell me what you think

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