96 | Evidence Is Important

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I cleared my throat just so they wouldn't notice my voice shaking. I stayed my eyes on the projected screen behind me, hiding my obvious face of nervousness. I hoped my armpits wouldn't sweat too much and it'd be obvious on the jacket.

"Second," I continued, raising my voice. There seemed to be a murmur in the crowd, a frenzy. But I couldn't tell if it was for support or opposition. "Dates of the biblical records--Biblical commentators believe the synoptic Gospels—Matthew, Mark and Luke—were written 20 to 30 years after Jesus' resurrection. John's account was penned between 50 and 70 years after the events. Paul's first letter to the congregation in Corinth can be dated to around 25 years after Jesus' resurrection. The dates of these records are consistent with being able to speak authoritatively on Christ's resurrection.

"Third is that there are many witnesses. In the Gospels, Acts and Paul's letters, it is evident that many people were alive who could have disputed the facts provided by the New Testament writers if the details were wrong. 

"Instead, there is agreement and consistency in what we are told. Former persecutors and detractors like Paul (previously Saul) did not dispute the records. Christians were willing to live under the constant threat of death—which would have been unthinkable unless they were convinced that Jesus was not a charlatan. We also have the promise that the Holy Spirit would guide the authors to remember events accurately as stated in John 14:26 and 16:13.

"So what is the importance of eyewitnesses? God uses witnesses to establish a matter. In Israel, charges that someone sinned had to be confirmed by the word of two or more witnesses like in Deuteronomy 17:6 and 19:15.

"The apostle Paul instructed Timothy not to accept accusations against a fellow elder unless there were two or more witnesses--1 Timothy 5:19. Jesus referred to this principle when urging believers to maintain good relationships within the Church as said in Matthew 18:16-17 again repeating the importance of witnesses.

"Luke stated he gathered the material for his account of Jesus' life from "eyewitnesses"--Luke 1:2.

"The other Gospels were likewise recorded from eyewitness accounts of Jesus' life, death and burial—and Jesus' resurrection. Matthew and John were eyewitnesses. Peter likely provided John and Mark with much of his material; and as we have already noted, Luke gathered details from a number of eyewitness accounts, no doubt with the input of Paul, who was instructed by the resurrected Christ as taken from Galatians 1:11-12."

I smiled and shrugged. "So if the Bible talks so much about the importance of having eyewitnesses? Then the Bible itself promotes the need of evidence and proof. It doesn't even support the faulty saying that faith is 'You just have to believe and He would reveal Himself to you'. No. Unbelievers made up that wrong meaning of faith. To them, faith is believing in something that can't be supported with hard evidence.

"But the Bible says the exact opposite. It says that evidence is important. The real meaning of faith is complete trust or confidence in someone or something. When I say I have faith in God, I don't mean that I believe in Him just because I believe in Him. I mean that I trust that He's going to work out everything for good for me. I don't need faith to know God is real. It's so obvious, as we've explained at our first conference. But I do need faith to trust His plan for me; to trust every promise He's given me."

Samuel, in the far corner of the audience, smiled. When he saw me look at him, he quickly looked away. I tried not to laugh and continued.

"Now, why is there a need for written records?" I said. I clicked on the remote and another slide showed. "In Acts 12:1-2, Herod killed James, the brother of John, and he threatened to kill Peter, another eyewitness of Jesus' resurrection (verse 3). Such circumstances vividly impressed on the apostles the need for recording the historical record of Christ's life and teaching while they were still able to do so.

"Consider the rumors about Jesus' death and resurrection. Some said He never died. Others spread the rumor that the disciples took Jesus' body so they could delude others that Jesus was resurrected. Even in the Church some mistakenly believed that Christ had not been resurrected like in 1 Corinthians 15:12-13. These circumstances further emphasized the need for an accurate historical record.

"The biblical writings reflect careful attention to the details of Jesus' death, burial, resurrection and appearances to others after His resurrection. The events mentioned in the Gospels and in the book of Acts parallel the order of eyewitnesses mentioned by Paul in 1 Corinthians 15:3-8."

Alex, the girl with the frizzy hair from the Science Committee took her phone out and took a video of me. I tried not to get distracted.

"Moving on to key observations," I said, and clicked on another slide. "The biblical record offers more details about Christ's death and resurrection than many realize. Here are some key points--

"There were many eyewitnesses at Jesus' death--including family, disciples, Romans and hostile accusers! They experienced three hours of darkness and a mighty earthquake that split rocks, opened graves and tore the curtain in the temple from top to bottom. Jesus' followers showed deep sorrow, and the crowds were silenced and beat their breasts. Had these unusual events not occurred, as the biblical record states, few would have believed the account.

"Also, there was no doubt Jesus was dead in the mind of Pilate, the Roman centurion and two members of the ruling Jewish administration. Joseph of Arimathea asked Pilate to release the body of Jesus for burial. Pilate summoned the centurion for confirmation of Jesus' death--the same soldier earlier acknowledged Christ as the "Son of God" at the time of His death--Joseph and Nicodemus, both members of the Sanhedrin, buried Jesus' body before the beginning of the holy day as is said in John 19:38-42.

"Then, chief priests met with Pilate to demand a guard on the tomb, apparently on the first holy day of Unleavened Bread. They sealed the tomb and set a watch. They had no doubt He was dead!

"Even female relatives and followers of Jesus were convinced He was dead. They purchased spices and fragrant oils after the end of the holy day. These they prepared on the day before the weekly Sabbath and planned to add them to the myrrh and aloes used by Joseph and Nicodemus (John 19:39).

"And saints were raised from the dead to physical life at the time of Jesus' death. When He was resurrected a few days later, these saints traveled into Jerusalem in Matthew 27:51-53. Many relatives and friends now became eyewitnesses of these previously dead righteous servants of God. This was an amazing event and a testimony to thousands!"

I wasn't even finished, but the crowd started to applaud. In a confused panic, I whirled around to Meredith and Trey backstage. They both flashed me grins and applauded too.

I looked at the crowd again. All glory belongs to You, Oh Lord.

Disclaimer: This info was taken from an article called "Jesus' Resurrection: Eyewitness Accounts" by Peter Hawkins  

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