1 - You'll get your kisses

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Before we start, I have to warn you about a lot of spoilers from the Season 2 of MLB show. In this story there will be some references to "Zombizou" (quite a lot!), "Glaciator", "Frozer" (again – quite a lot, because that episode made me furious!), "Troublemaker" (I couldn't resist! :-) ), "Befana", "Reverser"... As you can see this story is my psychotherapy after the whole season... :-)

Feel to be warned! You're reading on your own risk!

But I think it's worth risking. It's one of my best stories, I guess... It was so hard to write it, because every day I started with reading what I'd already written – I just couldn't resist.

So... Please, enjoy!


Warning! Below you'll find some spoilers from "Zombizou" episode (MLB Season 2)

"Don't worry Kitty, you'll get your kisses." She'd said that. He was absolutely sure. It wasn't a dream. He'd heard that, despite he was under the spell of Zombizou. Once, long time ago he'd already been under the spell of the super-villain. But then he didn't remember anything what had happened when he was under Dark Cupid's influence. Unfortunately, this time he remembered everything – including all the kisses he left on Chloe's cheeks. He shook himself with disgust. It was like kissing a sister. Terrible...

He shuddered at the mere memory.

"Something's bothering you, kid?" Plagg asked ironically, holding – as usual – his beloved cheese in his arms.

"Sometimes I'd rather not remember everything..." Adrien sighed.

"Yeah, I got it perfectly." Kwami agreed. "All that kissing is disgusting!"

"Not always..."

"You liked kissing Chloe?!" Plagg almost choked.

"Chloe?! No! Definitely not!"

"You've kissed anyone else?"

"Me? No, not yet. But..." Adrien stopped suddenly and blushed.

But he'd heard the promise. And he didn't know how he should understand those words. Maybe Ladybug only tried to divert his attention to get more time? Or maybe... Maybe... Well, he remembered very well that moment, when he had stopped the crowd of kissing zombies to let Ladybug save them all. She returned to him for a moment and gently touched his cheek. And she looked at him affectionately. As if she appreciated his sacrifice and... As if she felt something for him? Something more than just a friendship?

Adrien sighed dreamily.

"I preferred when you were hopelessly in love." Plagg muttered. "At least you gave me as much cheese as I wanted only to listen to your dilemmas and problems. Now, probably I'll starve."

"Do you think I should try once again?" The boy spotted.

"I think you should give me some cheese." Kwami corrected.

"Man does not live by cheese alone." Adrien said but reached for camembert anyway.

"Thank gods I'm not a man..." Plagg murmured and focused on eating.

"Sometimes I wonder if there's anything in the world you love more than this stinky nasty stuff." Adrien noticed wryly.

"What?!" Kwami narrowed his eyes and hugged the camembert to his cheek. "You haven't heard that..." he murmured to the piece of cheese.

"Are you talking to cheese?"

"Are you talking to yourself?" Plagg answered back. "Or to pictures of some Ladybugs?"

"Not some Ladybugs, but one special Ladybug. Anyway... You won't understand. You love only your cheese."

"Not true!"

"Not true?" Adrien was surprised. "Is there anything else you love?"

"No, there's no thing I love more than cheese." Plagg mumbled.

"No thing." Adrien repeated slowly. "Thing. So, if I asked you: is there anyone you love more than cheese..."

"I'm not talking to you!" Plagg flew away to the bathroom.

"Who is that, Plagg?" Adrien started to pester his kwami finding the exchange of their roles somehow funny.

"Don't play with the cat, Adrien!" kwami warned the boy.

"Adrien? Not 'kid' anymore?" Adrien laughed, knowing that he caught Plagg having a weakness.

"Don't you have your own problems?" Plagg escaped from his holder.

"You're changing the subject, Plagg. Come on, share your secret!"

"Which one?"

"You have more?"

"Millions. But it's better for you if I don't share them with you."

"What do you mean?" Adrien asked, suddenly worried.

"I can't, kid" Plagg replied becoming serious. And by these words he disarmed his holder. "Your time hasn't come yet."

Adrien frowned. How did it happen that their joking argument led him to some great secret? He could tease sarcastic Plagg, angry Plagg, amused Plagg. But when his kwami became serious, Adrien knew that something very important was behind it.

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