9 - The analogy

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"Oh, come on!" Marinette exclaimed irritably. "That Isabel is just stupid!"

Cat Noir chuckled. It was the evening, and they both were playing the HOMM5 as usual. Actually, Marinette was playing, and Cat Noir was assisting her.

"Why do you think so?"

"Look, she has that guy on a plate! But no! She's going with this sick Necromancer to bring her husband back from the dead."

"Technically, she hasn't got married yet..." Cat Noir added.

Marinette looked at him ironically.

"I can see, Kitty, that you really like the plot?" she muttered, and he felt a strange emotion – again – hearing her calling him 'Kitty'.

"Not at all!" he shrugged to hide his embarrassment. "It seems to me that she loves Nicolai true love. She's not going to stop loving him just to fell in love with a Dark Elven."

"But look how much he has done for her! How much he had to sacrifice! He even went through the Rite of True Nature for her! By the way, Cat, you can congratulate me. I was right. Agrael wasn't a demon."

"Congrats, Purrincess." He bowed and winked. "I think they are like me and Ladybug..." he whispered suddenly.

"What?!" Marinette squeaked and looked at him with horror.

"Well, you know. I'm chasing after her, and she still repeats that she loves someone else. Just like your Isabel."

"What?!" Marinette exclaimed outraged and she moved back. She was staring at him with sparkles in her eyes and hot flush on her cheek.

Cat Noir realised suddenly what he had just said. Marinette's reaction surprised him. As if... As if... But he was afraid to go this way. Would it mean that she... That she was interested in him? No, that was impossible. She was helping him in winning Ladybug's heart!

However, they hadn't talked about the scarf for Ladybug for a while. They were playing HOMM5, teasing, well... becoming intimate with each other... And the scarf was staying on Marinette's desk and none of them was even looking there.

"You mean that you're like Raelag and Ladybug is Isabel?" Marinette asked quietly.

"Forget, what I said, Princess..." he whispered.

"You really think so?"

"Please, forget it. It just slipped out."

"Sure, Cat." She muttered and came back to the desk. "So, I'm afraid that your Ladybug is as stupid as Isabel."

"I've already told you that she's not my Ladybug."

"If I remember correctly there's a plan to change this." She replied with a half-smile and winked at him. And he felt completely lost.

"Wait, what?"

"The scarf. Remember?" she laughed.

"No, I mean what you said before. You said that Ladybug was as stupid as Isabel. What did you mean?"

"Oh, Cat! You compared yourself to Raelag. And you admitted you're chasing after Ladybug. So, by analogy to that, if Isabel is blind and stupid, Ladybug must be the same as well... Maybe both will finally see the light... I'm very curious about how the plot will be developed."

"First, Ladybug should play HOMM5 and know the analogy..." he muttered and Marinette giggled.

"O ye of little faith!" she thought.

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