10 - Marinette's birthday

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Warning! "Befana" spoilers below!

"Hey, kid!" Plagg flew around Adrien's head for the tenth time, trying to wake him up from thoughtfulness. Without success.

The boy had been sitting for an hour, staring at the lucky charm that Marinette had given him a while ago. Lost in thoughts.

"Marinette has birthday tomorrow." He muttered.

"So?" Plagg asked, grinning.

"I'm thinking about a gift for her."

"You could decide, finally!"

"I beg your pardon?"

"Well, you order gifts for Ladybug, for Marinette... Could you pick one girl?"

"Eh, I think I'll never get that scarf for Ladybug. Besides..." he stopped suddenly, and Plagg pricked up his ears and came closer the boy.

"Besides what?" kwami spotted.

"I'm not sure if I even want to give her the scarf..." Adrien sighed, and Plagg put twice more camembert to his mouth – just in case not to scream the obvious "Finally!"

"So, what are you going to give Marinette?" kwami muttered after a while.

"I want to give her something from me. But... I'm afraid that a lucky charm isn't sophisticated enough..."

"I have no idea, kid." Plagg shrugged. "You know this girl better."

"I don't know if I can even make the bracelet as beautiful as the one, she gave me."

"I'm sure she'll appreciate the fact you made it yourself."

"And I have to find another gift. You know, something I could give her as Cat Noir."

"Couldn't you give her the lucky charm as Cat Noir?"

"Plagg! She'll learn about my identity then!" Adrien reminded. "I almost blurted out my identity when I asked her about the pictures."

"What pictures?"

"My pictures. When I came to her and I noticed she'd removed all my photographs."

"You mean 'totographs'?" Plagg cut in, but Adrien ignored him.

"I blurted out then that she stopped being interested in fashion. Well, as Cat Noir I shouldn't know about it, because she'd told Adrien about that. Fortunately, she didn't get it."

"Somebody's met his match." Plagg mumbled and rolled his eyes.

"Never mind." Adrien ignored again his kwami. "I'll figure something out. First, I have to make the bracelet before tomorrow birthday party."

"Please, do. I'll wait..."

"For what?"

"Uhm..." Plagg was confused suddenly. "For you finishing the gift."

"You're still hiding something." Adrien discovered.

"Focus on your gift!" kwami reminded and escaped to his cheese corner. He was so lucky that his holder couldn't stand camembert!

"One day I'll discover your secret, Plagg..." Adrien whispered and turned back to his desk.

The lucky charm. For Marinette. That was his priority now.


"Cat, help!" Marinette screamed, hiding behind the table.

Cat Noir's heart stopped. He knew that he had to save her from her akumatised grandma. On the other hand, he was in trouble as well. He didn't want to become one of Befana's angels nor coal figures. When he finally escaped from Befana's servants, he came to Marinette.

"I'm sorry that you had to wait for so long..." he whispered and hugged her.

She put her arms around his neck, and he felt a bit dizzy. That wasn't a good sign. That wasn't good at all. It shouldn't take place! He made himself to focus on finding a safe place to hide Marinette.

"Why did your grandma become upset?" he asked, carrying her towards the Eiffel Tower.

"I think I spent too little time with her..." Marinette mumbled into his chest. He was so happy his heart beating could be explained by running across Paris, not by all the emotions resulted from holding her close to his heart.

"Don't worry, Purrincess. You'll get back your grandma." He promised and left her on one of the Eiffel Tower's platforms. "Oh, I almost forgot! Happy birthday, Princess!"

"Thank you, Cat Noir..." she replied softly and smiled warmly to him.

His heart melted immediately, but he called himself to order – he had a mission to save Paris. It wasn't easy, as Befana was a smart opponent. She figured out quickly where Cat Noir could hide her granddaughter. Ladybug complicated the situation even more, when she gave up and suggested that her partner should show where Marinette was hidden.

He couldn't make himself to do it. But if he understood Ladybug correctly – and they usually didn't need words to understand each other! – she had to have a plan. So, he led Befana to the place, where Marinette could be. He held his breath praying for not finding her there...

The storage locker was empty – except some brooms and cleansers. Marinette had to hide somewhere else. He'd never felt such a relief in his life before! He had no idea where the girl could be now, but he was happy he gave time Ladybug to realise the plan to defeat their opponent.

Now, he could come back to the birthday party, as Adrien.

He felt like his heart was about to escape from his chest, when he reached for the gift for Marinette. Would she like it? Would she appreciate it? Oh, she was surprised. That could mean that the lucky charm wasn't sophisticated enough, as he'd been afraid!

"Well, I-I always have the lucky charm you gave me. And it really brings me luck." He explained.

Actually, it already had brought him luck, he thought. Even if Marinette didn't like him the way he liked her, she didn't seem to reject him at least.

"So, I thought I could make one for you..." he added shyly, still waiting for any reaction.

"Uhm... Thank-thank you, Adrien..." she whispered finally, and blushed.

He wasn't sure if that was the reaction, he hoped for. But then he noticed that she liked the bracelet – in the way she held the gift after a while, when she thought nobody was watching. That gave him a hint that as Cat Noir he should give her something as personal as that bracelet. But what it could be?

He didn't find anything more than a flower. It even wasn't a rose. No. The rose will be associated with Ladybug. And his broken heart. But what about a daisy? He had to try. He had to see her after the birthday party.

"Cat Noir?" he heard a surprised question from the trapdoor on her balcony.

"Good evening, Purrincess. I didn't want to disturb you during your birthday dinner."

"We finished the dinner a while ago, Cat."

"I know it's late... I just..." he tried to justify his late visit.

She came closer and looked at him carefully.

"I don't have any present for you..." he whispered sadly, handing her the daisy.

"You saved me today. Could it be any better gift?" she smiled, accepting the flower, and she stroke his cheek. "Thank you, Cat..."

And then she kissed him on the cheek. He blushed – content, embarrassed, happy...

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