15 - The Scarf

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On Sunday Marinette decided to come back working on the green scarf, being so ignored for the last weeks.

"Darling, Adrien's come!" Sabine informed her daughter from downstairs.

"Let him up here!" Marinette replied, not even looking away from her work.

Seconds later she heard Adrien's steps on the staircase.

"I'll just finish this stitch, OK?" she said unattentively, still focused on sewing.

"I'll wait..." Adrien replied and came closer to her desk. He embraced her and placed his chin on her shoulder, looking at her hands. "I just wanted to thank you for the scarf." He added in a whisper.

"But I haven't finished it yet!" she reminded him.

"Not this scarf I meant..." he explained, and she glanced at him quickly.

And then she noticed a very familiar blue scarf around his neck. Suddenly she felt tears in her eyes, and her hands began trembling.

"How...?" she tried to ask but her voice let her down.

Adrien smiled and turned her chair around. Then took her hand and pulled her closer.

"You forgot about your signature?" he asked, embracing her. She could see green sparkles in his eyes.

"But..." she stuttered. "It's been almost a year since your birthday! When...?"

"Not so long ago. Remember when you said that you are knitting scarves with your eyes closed? When I was making the present for you for your birthday, I talked to Plagg about gifts in general. And suddenly I had a hunch, so I checked it. You'd hidden your signature very skilfully. After that it was piece of cake. I investigated the case and Nathalie finally admitted what she'd done on my birthday."

"Oh..." Marinette sighed.

"Speaking of my birthday..." he grinned. "What are you going to give me this time?"

"Definitely not another scarf... Unless I share this one with you..." she started thinking aloud.


"Nothing of that kind, Adrien!" she warned him, seeing his meaningful smile.

"You have to be more careful with words then, Purrincess..." he advised her. "You get yourself into trouble on your own fault..."

"I think that your head not mine should be the case for Sigmund Freud..." she commented.

"Let Freud rest in peace. And about your scarf... I think that seeing you wearing it would be the best gift for me. Green will go perfectly with my eyes."

Marinette giggled. And she recalled herself their talk, when Cat Noir had ordered the gift for Ladybug.

"Much better than a red one with black dots, that's for sure." She murmured, and he laughed in response.

"Oh, you're so right!"

"At least I will be able to wear it..."

"Why wouldn't you?" he asked in surprise.

"Tikki told me once that as Ladybug I couldn't wear it, because it would disturb me during the fight or could be damaged. And as Marinette I couldn't wear it, because you'd learn about my identity."

"You know what? I didn't think about this that way..."

"Now it doesn't matter anymore. I can wear it in civilian life."

"You have to finish it first."

"And you have to give it to me. To me! Not another someone..."

"Not another someone, Marinette..." he confirmed seriously and then kissed her.

The Scarf for TwoWhere stories live. Discover now