Chapter 9

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Theo's P.O.V

I was leaning against the wall across the cell where we were keeping the girl we found earlier. She hadn't noticed when I entered the room earlier. I had kept to the shadows. I found that the best way to know what someone's true intentions are, is by observing them when they don't know you're looking. Everyone let's their guard down when they think they're alone...

She looked irritated from what I could tell. She kept pacing back and forth and biting her nails. She finally stopped her pacing and threw her head back, letting out a groan of annoyance, "This is sooooo boring..."

"Boring? Well, I could always arrange for you to do a bit of tidying up around my ship." I suddenly said and walked out from the shadows.

She jumped when she heard me speak. She grabbed onto her heart and let out a sigh, "Wow, you scared me there buddy. Did not know you were there."

"That was the idea." I remarked dully.

"So... why am I here?" She moved closer – taking hold of the bars and sticking her head through them.

"Where else am I supposed to put a stowaway?" I asked rhetorically.

"Stowaway? Me? No way! I was busy skidding rocks across the lake with my fam and then when I tripped and almost fell... BAM! I suddenly appeared in that closet-thingy you found me in earlier. That was a seriously BIG surprise. Like one moment you're just hanging out, having family time and then suddenly... you appear in a- what do you call this place? Oh– a ship! And then a bunch of rope falls on top of you and..." She just kept on rambling.

I rubbed my head when I felt a headache coming on. I sighed loudly and held up my hand, silencing her, "I don't have time to listen to you rambling. Whe-"

"Cap'n, Lass be askin' fer ye." Pepper walked inside, not bothering with knocking.

I sighed, "Pepper... while you're going back up the ladder," I began walking towards the said ladder and when I passed him, I smacked him across the head, "Learn some manners."

"Ow... aye, aye Cap'n." He said while rubbing his head.


"What's wrong, Dove?" I asked when I entered my quarters.

"Wrong?" She asked, giving me a confused look, "Oh, no nothing's wrong. I was just curious as to what's going on. I heard loud noises coming from on deck."

I strolled over to the bed and sat at her feet, "That was nothing to worry about, Dove. It was just some stowaway we found hiding in one of the stockrooms. Nothing serious."

"Stowaway? One of Darius' men?"

"No, no, some girl. I've been trying to interrogate her to find out where she's from, but she keeps on rambling about irrelevant things." I said with a sigh, still feeling the headache the girl had caused.

"What's her name?" Danny sat up a bit more, seeming excited.

"It's not important. My focus is you right now."

"You're always more focused on me than anything else. Which, to be honest, is quite annoying." She commented anyway.

"And why is that annoying, Dove?" I asked, humouring her.

"Because you refuse to let me move from this bed." She said unhappily, crossing her arms and pouting.

"If I let you out of this bed, you would be sleepwalking all around the ship."

"True..." She reluctantly said.

I glanced at my pocket watch for the time - it was just before dawn – before looking back at Danny, "Why don't we walk around the ship for a bit?"

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