Valentine's Day and Other Stag Parties

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"Hey, you alright? You were out there dancing up a storm and then you were just gone."

Jillian stood in the doorway of the girl's bathroom, one foot in and the other out. Her hands, still sparkly from the glitter hand cream she'd applied, held the door. She rested her cheek against them, worry etched into her features.

"Didn't you see who came in?" Candice asked, looking at Jillian for a beat, "I needed a minute."

"Are you alright?" Jillian asked again, more pointedly.

"I'm fine," Candice murmured, washing her hands mechanically as she stared at her reflection in the mirror.

"You always say you're fine, but you never are," Jillian returned. Then, sighing resignedly, she entered the bathroom completely, "You knew he was bringing her, right?"

"Yeah," Candice answered simply, "he told me last week."

"So...?" she moved closer.

"So, what was I gonna say? It's not like I could say anything," Candice argued.

"You could stop pretending and just tell him you like him," she suggested.

"Yeah, cause that's just the easiest thing in the world to go blurting out to somebody," she argued, "besides, how pathetic would that be?"

"It wouldn't be pathetic," Jillian replied, "and how do you know he doesn't like you too? It's not like you've ever asked him."

"Don't you think if he did, he'd have said something by now?"

"Not necessarily. Maybe he's shy?"

"Maybe he doesn't feel that way," Candice returned.

"Candy..." Jillian sighed.

"I know what I'm doing, okay? I'm going to pull it together and go out there and tell them how great they look, maybe even take a picture for them, eat my dessert, and get the hell out of here," she explained, "I'm going to try to be happy for him."

"Candy--"she began again.

"I mean, honestly. Who am I kidding? He came with Alice Fairburg. She's basically perfect. Look at me," Candice turned to face her friend, "I know you mean well. That's why I love ya. But, let's face it, Curt Mezzlo is out of my league. He knows it, I know it, and now you know it. End of story."

"Okay," Jillian shrugged resignedly, "just so long as you know what you're doing."

"How do I look?" Candice curtsied dramatically.

"Fabulous," Jillian smiled, "how about me? Is that zit gone? I used concealer. Can you see it?"

Candice leaned forward, squinting.

"Eh...barely, but only because I'm really looking. No one'll be able to see a thing out there."

"Perfect," she smiled, "I love mood lighting, don't you? It hides a multitude of sins."

"Let's blow this popsicle stand," Candice smirked, walking past her friend and out into the carpeted hallway that connected the restrooms to the banquet hall.

Jillian and Candice walked down the long corridor, taking in the large cut-out snowflakes and cardboard hearts bearing that year's Winter Ball theme: Be My Valentine Tonight.

When I Leave, and Other Broken PromisesOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant