Making Peace and Other Forms of Combat

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A week later, school let out for the summer. Almost immediately, rumors began circulating that Amy Himmel was throwing another party at her parent's house, but Candice had no interest in going. She was beginning to think Curt was right: people did stupid things at parties. She'd done enough stupid things in her life. She didn't need to add to the list.

Candice had hoped that Curt would reach out to her after receiving her letter, but he'd made no attempt to contact her. It pained her not to have him in her life, but she understood his reasons for distance. Part of her had come to terms with the fact that he'd likely severed all emotional ties with her for what she'd done to him, and she'd mentally done the same. It was better for both of them if she pretended there was no possibility for reconciliation.

Will was not so reticent. During the last week of May he'd texted Candice casually ("hey"), but she hadn't responded. He'd caused enough damage in her life, at least from her perspective. First, he'd basically just used her for sex. Then, to add insult to injury, he'd augmented the vicious rumors already in circulation about her by telling some tales of his own. As far as Candice was concerned, Will could fall off the face of the earth and it wouldn't bother her at all.

But, in spite of Candice's understated rebuffs, Will was persistent. He began texting her routinely, asking her if they could talk. At first, Candice merely ignored his messages. But, when her attempts at subtlety proved ineffective, she decided to employ the rumor mill to her advantage by letting people like Andy, Jake, Chad, and Kimmy know, in no uncertain terms, that she had absolutely NO interest in having any further contact with Will. She hoped that Will would get the message loud and clear, but he either ignored the information or didn't care, because he kept endeavoring to reach her via phone and social media.

By the second week of June, Candice was completely fed up.

"I mean, what does he expect? Does he think I'm just going to let him sweep all this crap under the rug? He basically ruined my life. No thanks," she explained, talking to Jillian one afternoon as they sunbathed in the driveway.

"Maybe he wants to apologize," Jillian suggested.

"Well, I don't care," she muttered.

"Not taking his side or anything," Jillian began, "because God knows I'm not. The guy's a total creep. But, I can't help feeling like you're doing the same thing to him that Curt's doing to you. Ya know? I'm just saying..."

"Yeah, but Curt has a right to do what he's doing. I deserve this," she argued, "Will is just a piece of shit. I don't owe him a thing."

"Alright," Jillian murmured.

"For once, I actually know what I'm doing. I'm not going to let Will try and worm his way back into my life. I'm turning over a new leaf. It's stag from this point on."

"What about Chad?" Jillian smiled, "I think he kinda likes you."

"I know," she sighed, "and he's been great, ya know? But, I just can't get mixed up in all that again. If I start dating Chad, it's just gonna start the same mess all over again. I'm tired of being that girl."

"I don't blame you. I just worry. I don't want Chad to get the wrong idea. You guys hang out a lot. I just don't want him thinking that something's gonna happen between you when it isn't," Jillian warned.

"I've told him I'm not interested in anything right now. He knows what I've been through. He's gotta know a boyfriend is about the last thing I need."

Candice's rant was interrupted by the sound of her phone going off.

"Who is it?" Jillian asked, watching Candice's face as she stared at her phone.

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