Parties and Other Strangely Eye-opening Endeavors

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"What do you think?" Candice asked Jillian as she did a dramatic twirl in front of the mirror.

The dress was a beautiful shade of coral that lighted the apples of Candice's cheeks. The mid-section was corseted while the bottom rose and fell in little waves that looked like frosting on a wedding cake.

"I really like that one," Jillian nodded, "the color's great."

"Are you gonna try on that turquoise one? I think that'll look good on you."

"Only because it's got all that padding on top," Jillian mused.

"Well, not everyone's got boobs, Jill. Sometimes you've gotta employ a little C and C."

"What's that?"

"Camouflage and Conceal," Candice laughed.

It was the middle of April and Prom was only a few weeks away. The two girls had decided to make a day of it at Felicity's Bridal Boutique across town. They took turns trying on dresses and showing their picks to one another. If there was ever a time when it was important to get the right dress, this was it. For the first time, both Candice and Jillian would be attending a dance with dates. Candice was, of course, going with Curt. Jillian, on the other hand, was being escorted by none other than "almost cute" Phil Hampton. He had approached her a week earlier about attending the gala event and Jillian had accepted. Although she hardly knew him, she couldn't stomach the thought of flying solo to a school event one more time, especially since her best friend was going with a date.

"So, what color is Curt's tux gonna be? Is he doing black? Grey? Did he tell you?" Jillian asked.

"I hope he does black. It looks better on him. I'm half thinking I should get a blue dress just so he can get a matching tie and cummerbund. His eyes are so blue. It always looks great when he wears something to match."

"I think Phil said he was wearing black. Maybe I should get the coral," Jillian suggested, "after all, we don't wanna both be wearing blue. If we go in all matchy-matchy we'll never live it down."

"Yeah, they'll write songs about us," she smirked, "and not the flattering kind."

"Did you hear that Will's going? He's supposedly taking that one girl. What's her name? He went out with her last fall," Jillian spoke, searching for the girl's name in her memory.

"Charlie Nelson?" Candice asked, her nose crinkled.

"That's it! Heck, I wouldn't have come up with that in a million years," Jillian sighed.

"I thought he said he hated school dances," Candice answered, strangely bothered by the news.

"Well, he must have changed his mind."

"And he's taking Charlie? Are they going out again?" Candice asked, keeping her voice neutral.

"Yeah. I guess so."

"Ya know, Jill, I'm beginning to think there's something wrong with me. I hung out with that guy for weeks, and he wouldn't ask me out. He said he didn't wanna make a commitment. I step outta the picture, and what does he do? He makes a commitment. I mean, seriously. What the heck?"

"Well, at least you're going with the guy you want," Jillian mused, "at least you don't have to settle... like some people."

"I'm sorry, Jill," Candice sighed, walking over to her friend and sitting down beside her on a small velveteen sofa, "you must think I'm a real jerk."

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