Plan B and Other Substitutions

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Jillian had basketball practice after school so Candice was able to avoid any questions involving the experiment with Will, but she knew she wouldn't be able to avoid her friend forever. Instead of having to face the prospect of a long conversation about yet another rejection, Candice decided to just text Jillian while she was at practice and head her off at the pass:

Operation Will Adams was an unmitigated disaster. Please ask no questions. Must think of a Plan B.

Candice stared at the screen of her phone for several moments before pressing Send.

"That won't eliminate an awkward conversation, but it'll shorten it," she mused, laying the phone down beside her on the bed.

A few minutes later, the screen lit up.

"Not now, Jill," Candice sighed, picking up the phone. It took her only a second to realize it wasn't Jill. It was Curt.

Curt: Is there something you want to tell me?

Candice: What?

Candice sat, motionless, for several moments. What was Curt talking about? Had someone told him how she felt?? She was sure she'd die of humiliation.

Curt: Guess who was asking about you after basketball practice today?

Whew! That was a close one. But who was asking about her? Will? Surely not. Candice was pretty sure he wasn't even on the basketball team. Besides, she'd gotten the distinct impression that he'd found her annoying.

Candice: Who??

Curt: Chad Buckner.

Candice stared at the phone for so long she was sure Curt was probably wondering what happened to her. Chad Buckner? Chad from U.S. History class? Why was he asking about her??

Candice tried to picture Chad in her mind. He was alright, she decided. He was a little better looking than Will, honestly, but just a little. He was taller maybe? His hair was a little lighter, and his eyes were dark and striking, unlike Will's, which were a nondescript shade of green.

Candice: Why? What did he say?

Curt: He was just asking if you were seeing anybody. That sort of thing.

Candice: What did you tell him?

Curt: I told him I didn't know. Are you?

Candice: Not really.

Candice wasn't sure why she'd decided to be so cryptic. Maybe she didn't want Curt to know her relationship status. Maybe she didn't want him to know that she was alone. But, her mind didn't linger on this point for long. There were other, more important things, to consider. For example, was Chad interested in her? They'd hardly spoken.

"Figures," Candice smirked, "the guy who knows the least about you is the most interested. But, just give him time. When he finds out what a nut-job you really are, he'll drop you like a bad habit."

Her thoughts were interrupted by the sound of her phone going off. She had another text message.

Curt: Do you think he'll ask you out?

Candice: Who knows?

Curt: What would you say if he did?

Her first instinct was to ask him why he cared, but she couldn't bring herself to type that. Instead, she answered:

Candice: I don't know?

There was a long silence after Candice hit Send. In fact, the pause was so lengthy that her phone darkened in her hand. Finally, her screen lit up again.

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