All's Fair and Other Fairy Tales

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"I think Will's gonna ask me out," Candice announced as the pair walked out of school together, headed for Jillian's car. The two could easily have ridden to school together every morning, but Jillian was a notorious night owl who normally overslept. She regularly arrived late to school. Candice figured it was in her best interests to just ride the bus.

"Will? What happened to Chad?" Jillian's voice echoed her surprise.

"Chad wasn't at school today. Will started talking to me and asked me for my number," Candice answered simply.

"Well, what are you gonna tell Chad? He clearly wanted to go out with you. Why else would he have talked to Curt?"

"I dunno," Candice shrugged, "it's not like Chad already asked me out or anything. Besides, Will was telling me that Chad is kind of a loser. He dated some girl named Kendra. I guess she was a disaster."

"I think I've heard of her actually. Didn't she go to juvy or something?"

"I dunno. I just know she ditched a lot. I guess Chad ditches all the time too. Will said he usually misses at least once a week."

"Boy, Will's quite the little gossip, isn't he?" Jillian teased.

"I dunno? It didn't feel like gossip. I can't explain it."

"Maybe he wanted to date you himself so he decided to point out all of his buddy's worst qualities," she smirked.

"That did actually cross my mind," Candice murmured, "but, I dunno? He didn't seem like a snake. It was almost like he was trying to look out for me."

"Well--"Jillian began, but she was interrupted by the sound of Candice's phone.

Candice dug her phone out of her pocket and looked at the screen. She didn't recognize the number.

"Hello?" she answered, a hint of uncertainty in her voice.

"You put so much pressure on me about this phone call that I decided to just get it over with," Will began, a soft teasing quality in his manner.

Candice cupped her hand over the microphone and mouthed "It's Will!" before answering him, "If conversations about phone calls get you this stressed, we're going to have to get you some thicker skin, Mr. Adams."

"And how do you propose we do that?"

"I harass you mercilessly until you either fold or snap."

"Hmmm...I don't like the sound of either of those options. Do I get a third?" he teased.

"If you knew me better, you'd be happy you got two," she returned.

"Ok, now I'm worried."

"You should be," she answered simply, before adding, "I'm with my friend, Jillian, at the moment. You should probably call me back."

"Are you gonna tell me when to do that too?" he chuckled.

"Na, I'm gonna let you surprise me."

"Maybe I'll just text you instead," he hedged.

"Whatever floats your boat, Romeo."

"How do you wanna end this convo? Want me to just hang up?" he inquired.

"Just say touché and I'll know you're done talking," she teased.

"In that case, touché."

"Touché to you too," she replied. Then she hung up the phone.

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