Prom Night and Other Bizarre Rituals

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The Prom theme was An Evening in Wonderland. On every table there were mirrors, candles, and various Alice in Wonderland artifacts. On some, there were plastic pocket watches like those carried by the white rabbit. On others, there were top hats like the one worn by the Mad Hatter. Blue, purple, and pink flowers accented the psychedelic array.

"Wow, this is trippy," Jillian commented as they entered the banquet hall.

"Yeah, maybe we should've all pretended it was the 60's and dropped acid before we came," Candice answered.

"Well, my great uncle always said if you remember the 60's, you weren't there," Phil added.

"Where do you hippies wanna sit?" Curt interrupted, "How about over there by the dance floor?"

Jillian and Candice exchanged looks and started laughing.

"What?" Curt asked, confused.

"She's disappointed we're not sitting by the dessert table," Candice snickered, "we have a rep to maintain."

"Oh, that's right," Phil laughed, "that's when I first started talking to you guys. The dessert table at Winter Ball."

"Ya, and I'm sure you remember our big dilemma," Jillian chuckled.

"How many desserts can we get away with eating without alerting anyone," Candice finished.

"You guys aren't seriously that into desserts, are you?" Curt asked.

"Ahhh, yeah... yeah we are," Candice replied, "Does that shock you?"

"No... I guess not."

It was clear that Curt didn't know how to take the two girls.

"How about we sit right there?" Jillian pointed, "That way we're between the dancefloor and the dessert table. Best of both worlds."

"Perfect," Candice agreed, "we can keep an eye on what's left from that vantage point."

"And swoop in for the kill when the pickins get slim," Jillian added.

"You guys are a couple of dessert scavengers," Phil remarked.

"Recognize," Jillian answered.

"Wow, is that Leslie Vocco?" Candice pointed covertly.

Jillian squinted at a girl sitting across the room.

"Holy crap, I think it is," Jillian exclaimed, "she looks totally different. I hardly recognized her."

"Yeah, I think she might even be pretty," Candice remarked.

"It's amazing what some hair gel, a curling iron, and some mascara will do."

"You guys are kinda catty," Curt pointed out.

"What do you mean?" Candice inquired as they took their seats, "I don't know what you heard, but I heard a compliment."

"Makes me wonder what you guys say about me when I'm not around," Curt murmured.

"That's just how girls are," Phil shrugged absently, "my older sister was always talking about other girls like that. It's no big deal."

"I dunno," Curt replied, "it just doesn't seem very nice. You just never seemed like the kind of girl who'd do that sort of thing, Candy."

"Well, you clearly don't know us very well then, Curtis," Jillian teased.

"Curt," he corrected.

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