Chapter 13 The Problem

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Jen PoV

I sit in my last period , 15 minutes left. Our history teacher tells us about The French Revolution , boring!

I sit next to Jack and Josh sits on a whole other row and makes crazy faces , I just smile while behind me Jena laughs her head off. "Jena Malone if you laugh one another time this lesson you have detention" says our teacher a little irritated . "Sorry " says Jena but yeah if you know Jena she just goes on with laughing. "JENA MALONE YOU HAVE DETENTION AFTER THIS LESSON ! " yells our teacher. "Okayyy "says Jena if it's no deal. I just smile and shake my head. Jack is texting I look at his phone and it's Claudia who he's texting with .

"Why are you texting with Claudia ? "I whisper. "Because she's my project partner at Science , don't worry the teacher coupled us "he says . "O-kay"I say confused.

I spend the rest of the five minutes on listening to our teacher but the problem is I don't have any idea he's talking about.

Finally the bell rings and I hug Jena and wish her goodluck. I walk with Josh to my locker and when I'm done we walk to Josh's . I see Vanessa making out with another boy of the older football team , what a bitch.

We begin to walk to me house as Josh begins to walk faster . "Josh , why do you walk so quick ? "I ask. "Look behind you "he says and I see Vanessa. "Okay come on then "I say running towards the beach. When we arrive we eat a icecream and just laugh and have fun , like splash water in each others faces. After 5 minutes we aren't dry anymore and I push Josh in the water but he pulls me with him.

We sit on a bench when my phone beeps , a text from Leven :

Omg Jen i have a BPYHTCN ( Big problem you have to come now ) please come quick! xx

"Josh I have to go Leven has a BPYHTCN "i say. "Okay , I'll text you later "he says and we share a little kiss. I run to Leven's place , it's only 2 minutes away. I ring the doorbell and she immediatly opens the door and pushes me inside.

"What is the BIG PROBLEM ? "I ask as I sit down on the couch. "I..think I have a crush on Jack " she says. "And why is that a problem ? " I say. "Look "she says and hands me her phone. Claudia whatsapped her : Hi Leven , I've heard you like Jack but you can forget him , because in like 2 days he's mine . Byeeee xx

"Since when does Claudia like Jack ? , I mean she hated him 3 months ago " I say "Because she wants to ruin my life !"she says sad and she breaks down.

"Don't worry , I think Jack likes you , you'll see who he choose with the Prom , I think it's you or better I know it's you " I say and rub her back. "Yeah , maybe you're right "she says and she dries her tears. I hug her and then Leven realize I'm wet. "Why are you so wet ? "she asks. "I was with Josh on the beach and yeah , you know us"I say smiling

At that moment Isabelle storms inside,

"OMG ALEXANDER ASKED ME FOR THE PROM ! "she screams. "But he's already your boyfriend so why would he ask another girl ? "I ask .

"I know but you don't know HOW he asked me." she squeels

"And HOW he asked you ?"asks Leven . Isabelle sits down and begins to tell her story.

Isabelle PoV


Alexander and I walked to his car and after a long ride we end up at a flowerfield. "Why do you take me to this place? "I ask. "You'll see "he says and he grins

I step out of the car and walk to the field and see Isabelle will you go with me to the Prom ? spelled in a bunch of beautiful flowers.

I turn around to see Alexander with a bouquet of flowers and I squeel "Yes I would love to go with you to the Prom ! " and I hug him tight .

*End of Flashback *

"Wow that's so sweet "says Jen hugging me .

"But why texted you me that you have a BPYHTCN ? " I ask. "She likes Jack , but Claudia does like she likes him " says Jen and shows me Leven's phone. "That's so rude ! " I say. "Yeah it is "says Leven. Then Jennifer's phone beeps , she looks at it and after 5 seconds she looks up... Sam has a crush....


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